Staying fit during the Corona crisis

Gyms and swimming pools are closed, club training sessions are on hold and even training under [...]

Lean curd cake

Zubereitung Eiweiß mit einer Prise Salz steif schlagen. elb mit Apfelmus, Vanille, Magerquark, Backpulver, optional [...]

Want to lose weight? Before you change anything, follow these tips

Es hört sich viel zu einfach an. Aber die Wissenschaft belegt ganz eindeutig, dass Abnehmen [...]

Protein crêpes

Zubereitung 2EL geschmolzenes Kokosöl, 2 Eier, 500ml Milch in einer Schüssel gut vermischen Nun folgende [...]

Nut corners

Zubereitung 190g Mandelmehl (teilentölt) mit 20g Leinmehl 1TL Backpulver, 65g Xylit, 65g Erythrit, Vanille , [...]

Chocolate Chip Pancakes

Zubereitung 50g Haferflocken fein mahlen Mit 50g Reismehl, 25g Vanille Whey, 1 Scoop Flavourite Pulver [...]

Chocolate Porridge from FitnFemale

Preparation 40g rolled oats, 15g chocolate pudding powder, 50g melting flakes, 30g chocolate protein powder, 350g almond milk, 1TL [...]

Superfood Balls from FitnFemale

Preparation 50g coconut shavings in a pan without oil roast a little dough: 100g hazelnuts in [...].

Protein forest fruit tart with cream cheese

Preparation cake base Preheat oven to 175 degrees Celsius top/bottom heat and fill 2 baking pans (18cm springform pan) with [...].

Protein waffles from FitnFemale

Preparation Mix the ingredients to a dough Bake the dough in a waffle iron Then bake as desired [...]

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