Tag Archives: Workout

15 characteristics of women power athletes

The fact that female strength athletes are made of a very special kind of wood, or rather forged iron, is [...]

Workouts for toned, trained arms

Why should biceps exercises be only for guys? Here you can read why every lady should do her [...]

4 cardio workouts for fat burning

Below, we've selected four effective cardio methods that will increase the intensity and endurance of your workout [...]

How to create your own workout

To help you put together a decent workout, we'd like to give you a [...]

Training program for women part II

Here is the 2nd part of our training program.

The Kettlebell Workout

Below we have compiled three effective exercises with kettlebells that you can incorporate into your daily [...]

8 Reasons You Won't Get Killer Booty From Your Butt Workout

In the following, we would like to show you eight common sources of error that may [...]

All about Lunges

In the following, we will describe in more detail the correct movement sequence of lunges and draw attention to mistakes, [...]

7 simple tricks to make your workout even more effective

Many ambitious athletes always want to train even more. In the right measures, that's super. [...]

Is strength training the solution to your slow metabolism?

Sluggish progress is the motivation killer par excellence when losing weight. This stagnation, which is often accompanied by an intensification [...]

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