Tag Archives: Workout

Laura Michelle Prestin Training and Nutrition Plan

Laura Michelle Prestin is a Canadian fitness model that we see today as a role model for a slim [...]

10 Things Only Women Who Do Weight Training Understand

There are so many things that only power athletes understand. This does not mean discussions about the [...]

Rectus diastasis after pregnancy? Here's what you can do about it!

Most people don't even know what rectus diastasis is. Many young mothers do not realize [...]

These 10 things burn more calories than jogging

Here are sports that bring more when it comes to fat loss. [...]

Training and nutrition guide for women - Part II

Im zweiten Teil unseres Trainings- und Ernährungsratgebers gehen wir darauf ein, wie dein Körper Fett [...]

Abdominal workout for home

This simple home workout program can be done without much effort and without additional equipment. [...]

5 Ways Busy Moms Can Keep Fit

To fit a workout and nutrition plan into your busy schedule, all you need is a little [...]

With these motivational tips to training success!

Motivation is the key to progressive training success, which is why you should do everything you can to [...]

How to start training again after a cesarean section

If you're lucky, you'll be told you should be in the first six weeks after [...]

25 reasons why couples who train together stay together

For a relationship to last as long as possible, it is beneficial if you train together and [...]

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