The truth about the anabolic window

Muscle building is all about the anabolic window. Everything comes down to this special 30 [...]

Training and nutrition guide for women - Part I

In this first part, we look at the general basic rules of a healthy and figure-conscious [...].

Tips for a beautiful décolleté

Below we have compiled some exercises specifically for the woman's chest, which are perfect [...]

Six pack food

Below we have compiled four nutritional tips (six-pack foods) that are especially beneficial for burning fat, improving metabolism [...]

Common training mistakes of women

It's the right step in the right direction if you're looking to strength train [...]

18 possible reasons why you are not losing weight

Do you know this? You're not losing weight, even though you're constantly trying to lose weight. [...]

7 cooking tips that every strength athlete should know

To make your everyday life a little easier and to give you some inspiration, we present [...]

The nutrition guide for the holidays

What preventative measures you can take to avoid making your family feel like a [...]

This ONE exercise that every woman should do

Every person has their own individual reasons for doing weight training and keeping fit. [...]

Here's how not eating enough can sabotage your progress

Many women have a misconception of what "eating enough" really means. This is paradoxically [...]

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