Category Archives: Training

Sport and sex

Sex is healthy and a real physical feat. Learn more about the relationship between sport [...]

Rectus diastasis after pregnancy? Here's what you can do about it!

Most people don't even know what rectus diastasis is. Many young mothers do not realize [...]

These 10 things burn more calories than jogging

Here are sports that bring more when it comes to fat loss. [...]

Training and nutrition guide for women - Part II

Im zweiten Teil unseres Trainings- und Ernährungsratgebers gehen wir darauf ein, wie dein Körper Fett [...]

Abdominal workout for home

This simple home workout program can be done without much effort and without additional equipment. [...]

Back and shoulder training for women

In the following, we have put together a small program for you, with which you can specifically treat the particularly stressed [...]

Reasons why women should do strength training

Krafttraining hat auch bei Frauen enorm viele positive Auswirkungen auf die körperliche und geistige Gesundheit.

7 Women Fitness Myths

Müssen Frauen anders trainieren? Frauen engagieren sich in beinahe allen sportlichen Disziplinen wie Männer.

Yes, I squat - with squats to top form

Squats work out most of your body. They are easy to learn and can be done in any [...]

5 Ways Busy Moms Can Keep Fit

To fit a workout and nutrition plan into your busy schedule, all you need is a little [...]

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