Workouts for toned, trained arms

Why should biceps exercises be only for guys? Here you can read why every lady should do her [...]

Frequently asked questions & answers about fat burning

Fat burning is still a book with seven seals for many exercisers, which is not [...]

4 cardio workouts for fat burning

Below, we've selected four effective cardio methods that will increase the intensity and endurance of your workout [...]

16 things for which woman should not justify themselves

Admittedly, we women are quite broody by nature and worry about everything, [...].

Cravings: What triggers them and how you can fight them

Cravings are annoying. Wouldn't it be nice to go out to dinner, have a salad and a [...]

Yohimbe as a fat burner

In recent years, Yohimbe, or rather its active ingredient Yohimbine, has been the subject of heated debates [...].

How to create your own workout

To help you put together a decent workout, we'd like to give you a [...]

The female cycle and weight training

In the following, we would like to take a closer look at the different menstrual cycles and inform you about the influence [...]

These 10 things every woman should know about her clitoris

You may think you know your body down to the last nook and cranny. [...]

Training program for women part II

Here is the 2nd part of our training program.

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