Tag Archives: Training
Tips for a toned and trained abdomen
Maybe you've been working out for a while and are already eagerly awaiting changes to your body, [...]
Reasons & Tips for Deadlifts
If you haven't integrated deadlifts into your training plan yet, be sure to change that, [...]
Weak connective tissue - what to do?
So you can enjoy the summer outdoors without reservations, without worrying about cellulite [...]
5 reasons why you should date a power athlete
Nachfolgend nennen wir dir fünf Gründe, warum du unbedingt einen Kraftsportler daten solltest.
5 exercises for beautiful arms
Below, we've put together five important exercises that will ensure you not only [...]
7 possible reasons why your breasts hurt
Pain in the breasts is unpleasant. If your breasts are so sensitive that they hurt when [...]
7 positive side effects of training
In this article we present you some positive side effects of training that will help you [...]
5 tips for a great figure after pregnancy
We've put together five important tips below that you can implement mentally and physically, [...]
Training and nutrition guide for women - Part I
In this first part, we look at the general basic rules of a healthy and figure-conscious [...].
7 secrets of happy couples
What makes happy couples so satisfied? How can your sex life get better too? In the following [...]