Category Archives: Training
The 30 best abdominal exercises
Wir möchten dir im Folgenden die 30 besten Übungen für die Bauchmuskeln vorstellen.
5 reasons why you should date a power athlete
Nachfolgend nennen wir dir fünf Gründe, warum du unbedingt einen Kraftsportler daten solltest.
All about Flexible Dieting
Es ist nicht unbedingt verwunderlich, dass das Flexible Dieting, das auch unter dem Namen »If [...]
Everything women should know about fitness training
At first glance, the things to consider for optimal training may seem complicated and [...]
5 types of exercises you should avoid during pregnancy
During your pregnancy, you have certainly heard one or the other time, [...]
Workout tips for the busy woman
In the following, we would like to give you some tips on how you can easily complete your workouts within a week.
6 tips and techniques for a pronounced and shapely buttocks
Below we have listed several tips and techniques to help you tone your gluteus [...]
10 things female strength athletes do but would never admit to
We female strength athletes already have a special status in the gym per se, which makes life [...]
5 exercises for beautiful arms
Below, we've put together five important exercises that will ensure you not only [...]
How strength training can increase your libido
Your partner is the best thing that ever happened to you. Nevertheless, you lie more and more often [...]