Category Archives: Training

9 Taboos on Leg Day

To provide a little clarity, in the following article we have compiled a list of the nine [...]

The best exercises for muscle building

If you ask athletes in gyms why they torture themselves on the training floor several times a week, they [...]

9 reasons for yoga

In order to make yoga a little tasty for you too, we would like to show you in the following article [...]

How to train your lower abs

Within the framework of this article, we would like to share some really helpful advice with [...]

Push-ups - This is how you get them done!

The push-up is the epitome of fitness exercise. And not without reason, because the [...]

The 25 best exercises for the lower abdominal muscles

Since especially the lower abdominal muscles are a bit coy with the protruding, we would like to show you in the [...]

8 Reasons Why You Should Incorporate Crossfit Into Your Workouts

Nachfolgend haben wir 8 Gründe aufgeführt, warum auch du Crossfit in dein Trainingsprogramm integrieren solltest.

10 questions to which every strength athlete should know the answer

Those who start weight training are not infrequently confronted with rules and facts that [...]

15 crucial fitness tips for beginners

To make it as easy as possible for you to get started in the world of iron, we have created a [...]

Pull-ups - How you get them done

In the fitness community, pull-ups are undoubtedly one of the absolute king exercises that not only [...]

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