Category Archives: Training

What is Tabata?

Tabata training consists of workout intervals that push the physical limits.

5 tips against the rolls of fat on the back

In addition to the classic problem areas such as the abdomen and thighs, many women also have [...]

5 rules for effective HIIT

What do you think about a cardio workout that challenges your cardiovascular system twice? We're talking [...]

The big training guide

Fitness can be pretty intimidating. Most people who are brand new to the world of [...]

With deadlifts to top form

A very important and equally strenuous strength exercise are the deadlifts. Called deadlifts in German, they have [...]

10 things for your home gym

It's very comfortable to work out in the privacy of your own home. Have you just become a mother, [...]

6 steps for beautiful female muscles

Many women have prejudices against fitness and strength training. We want to inform you about it below, [...]

8 common excuses for not exercising and what you can do about it

Excuses. We all use them, and if need be, we invent them to avoid unpleasant things.

8 myths about the six pack

To help you on your way to a six-pack, in the following article we'll clear up 9 [...]

20 Gym Rules Everyone Should Know

We want to give you the 20 most important gym rules that will help you [...]

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