What you can do against the unpleasant quirks of your body

Was Du Gegen Die Unangenehmen Eigenarten Deines Körpers Tun Kannst

Do you also have the problem that your body sometimes just does what it wants in the most inappropriate situations? Does it bother you that bad breath, body odor, or unpredictable sweating are always on the mat when you don't need them at all? Then you're not alone, because the majority of us regularly have to deal with all sorts of unpleasantness that can be embarrassing, especially in the company of other people. We've taken this fact as an opportunity to look at the twelve biggest problems and give you some tips in this article that will help you fight the unpleasant quirks of your body.

1 - Bad breath
Many of us have bad breath immediately after getting up. This is quite normal and largely unproblematic. Bad breath, on the other hand, becomes a problem when it persists throughout the day. One of the causes will certainly surprise you, because scientists recently found out that excessive fitness training in combination with a strict diet can promote the occurrence of unpleasant bad breath. This is especially true of low-carbohydrate or even no-carbohydrate diets, as the use of ketone bodies for energy produces unpleasant odors for the human nose. Skipping breakfast can also be a cause, as your digestive tract hasn't gotten going yet, allowing gases to escape upward unimpeded. With a small breakfast you can already beat the bad breath. The cause may also be plaque residue on the teeth, which is difficult to remove. Electric toothbrushes clean the teeth more thoroughly than conventional hand brushes and can therefore also help you defeat bad breath.

2 - Yellow teeth
In the face of the perfect toothpaste smile that stares back at us from pretty much every billboard, yellowish discolored teeth are a reason for many to feel ashamed and hide the smile. On the one hand, you should know that natural tooth color varies from person to person, so not everyone can call flawless white teeth their own. On the other hand, there are also influencing factors that determine the color of your teeth. Both smoking and drinking tea and coffee cause yellowish discoloration of the teeth, so brushing your teeth plays a much more important role in this context. With every cup of coffee or tea, it is advisable to drink a small glass of water to rinse the teeth and thus prevent discoloration. However, if the child has already fallen into the well, you should refrain from experimenting with baking soda and whitening strips for the sake of your health. What does help, however, is professional bleaching at the dentist.

3 - Hair loss
It is completely natural that we lose up to 100 hairs a day. Excessive hair loss beyond that, on the other hand, is not normal and should be treated. One of the most common reasons for hair loss in women is the use of hormone-based contraceptives. These contain norethisterone or levonorgestrel, for example, and in rare cases can promote hair loss. If you notice that you are losing too much hair, you should talk to your gynecologist. Another reason that promotes hair loss is protein and iron deficiency in your daily diet. Accordingly, you should make sure that you consume sufficient iron and protein.

4 - Excessive farting
If you have to fart frequently, it may seem uncomfortable and strange. However, as a rule, you are not getting rid of any more or less digestive gases than anyone else. The only reason this may seem excessive to you is if you pay more attention to it. Each of us produces between 0.5-2 liters of digestive gases every day, which leave the body in ten to twenty stages a day. However, the formation of digestive gases is particularly strong in foods containing the carbohydrate raffinose, because the intestinal bacteria cannot digest it optimally. This carbohydrate is found in broccoli and many types of cabbage. So it already helps to limit the consumption of these foods somewhat or to postpone them.

5 - Unpleasant sweating
Sweating is a natural process that helps your body regulate its core temperature and flush out toxins so that all metabolic processes can function optimally. Persistent excessive sweating, on the other hand, can lead to bad body odor. Factors that can lead to increased sweating, in addition to great heat, are the use of antidepressants and the presence of great stress. If the latter is the case, you should take it a little slower, eat a protein-rich diet and get enough sleep. In this case, the problem will take care of itself over time.

6 - Foul body odor

Bad body odor is pretty much the most unpleasant peculiarity of our body, as it indicates to outsiders that we do not take personal hygiene very seriously, even though this is of course not the case. In particular, those who sweat a lot can quickly run the risk of developing an unpleasant body odor within a few hours, as in this case more bacteria mix with the sweat, which promotes the characteristic sweat odor. Usually, it already helps to use deodorants or to change clothes in shorter intervals. However, if you are dealing with excessive sweating, you can talk to your doctor about Botox treatment, in which the overproduction of sweat is curbed by the partial silencing of sweat glands.

7 - Incontinence
Every second woman suffers from incontinence, but this is usually kept quiet for good reason. The cause is usually either an overactive bladder or simply stress. In both cases, it is helpful to avoid smoking and caffeinated beverages as much as possible. In addition, you can also strengthen your sphincter muscles with the help of so-called Kegel Exercises, whereby success is already noticeable after six to twelve weeks. Another way is to take additional magnesium.

8 - Pimples and rash
Pimples and rashes do not always have to do with impure skin, so excessive facial cleansing does not automatically lead to the goal. On the contrary, bacteria are often the cause, which cannot be eliminated with the help of normal care products. At this point, classic antibiotics or antibiotic care products provide relief, although this should always be discussed with your doctor. On the other hand, you can also use natural remedies such as face masks based on honey or apple cider vinegar.

9 - Dandruff on the scalp
Dandruff can ruin even the best wardrobe and is therefore a nuisance that should not be underestimated. The cause is usually stress or washing your hair too often. Anyone who suffers from dandruff due to stress and tries to eliminate it by excessive hair washing is only making the problem worse. Special dandruff shampoos that combat bacterial or fungal causes, among other things, can help. If there is still no improvement, a visit to the doctor is highly recommended.

10 - Running nose
Anyone who is not ill but still struggles with a runny nose, especially in spring and summer, is usually allergic to environmental factors such as dust, animal hair or pollen. These allergens irritate the nasal mucosa and lead to the characteristic symptoms. In this case, going to the doctor can already help, as he can prescribe you the appropriate allergy medication. If this does not help, you may also be suffering from chronic nasal mucosa inflammation, which can be treated with special nasal sprays.

11 - Hair on the upper lip
Unpleasant body hair is already a problem for women per se. However, it only becomes really bad when the hair growth also spreads to the upper lip, so that daily shaving is usually the order of the day. The cause is usually a hormonal imbalance in the organism. In particular, skin regions that react very sensitively to testosterone tend to show increased hair growth in such a case. If this should be the case with you, a conversation with the doctor can not hurt. In case of doubt, he will send you to a specialist, an endocrinologist.

12 - Sweaty feet

The colloquial cheese feet are in most cases a result of bacterial infestation between the toes. Consequently, classic sweaty feet can be treated relatively easily with the help of antibacterial soaps. In addition, it should go without saying that you should give your feet a daily cleaning. If, however, in addition to the unpleasant odor, other unpleasant symptoms such as itching, burning or reddened skin occur, this may indicate a fungal infection, which is the cause of the odor. If this is the case, you should consult your doctor to have the appropriate preparations prescribed.

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