Tag Archives: Muskelaufbau

The 3 main components for the perfect diet for you

Since it is not enough to follow a dull pattern, we would like to give you in this [...]

7 leg exercises you can do anywhere

While a six-pack and a tight butt are usually the focus of interest, and [...]

Reasons & Tips for Deadlifts

If you haven't integrated deadlifts into your training plan yet, be sure to change that, [...]

Whey and casein: This is the difference

Although both proteins are derived from milk and have quite a lot in common in other respects, there are [...]

Birth control pills and muscle building - is there a connection?

A question that burns under the nails of us girls on the subject of muscle building is the one about [...]

Should women take creatine?

In this article we would like to answer the most important questions that arise around [...]

5 reasons why you should date a power athlete

Nachfolgend nennen wir dir fünf Gründe, warum du unbedingt einen Kraftsportler daten solltest.

Everything women should know about fitness training

At first glance, the things to consider for optimal training may seem complicated and [...]

Workout tips for the busy woman

In the following, we would like to give you some tips on how you can easily complete your workouts within a week.

Shift work - tips for training & nutrition

A regular daily routine is not only enormously beneficial in general, but also for our [...]

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