- Base: blend 75g ground almonds, 80g rolled oats, 5EL coconut oil and 2 tbsp agave syrup in a blender.
- In a muffin tin, pour 1EL of the bottom batter into each well (6 cups) and press firmly.
- Cream: Steep / boil 10 dates in hot water for about 10 minutes, then drain. Mix dates with 3 tablespoons coconut oil and 3 tablespoons almond paste in a blender to a cream. Spread the whole on the bottom in each muffin tin.
- Put everything in the freezer for about 1h.
- Melt 100g of Chocogasm Protein Chocolate from FitnFemale and then spread on the cups.
- Put everything in the refrigerator for 10 minutes or in the freezer. If freezing, the cups can come out about 15-20 minutes before eating & ready.
Products included
created by @baking_for_daisy