Stressfrei und lecker zum Kaloriendefizit – der « All You Need Shake » ist dein perfekter Mahlzeitersatz!
Nie mehr Kalorien zählen! Unser «All You Need Shake» wurde entwickelt, um selbst in den stressigsten Alltag zu passen: Eine vollwertige Mahlzeit in einem Shake. Jede Portion versorgt dich mit einem ausgewogenen Verhältnis an Makronährstoffen und hochwertigem Protein. Wertvolle Vitamine, Mineralstoffe und himmlischer Geschmack inklusive.
One serving perfectly replaces a meal and leaves you feeling full and satisfied. Say goodbye to counting calories and treat yourself instead with a delicious shake that supports your weight loss journey.
- Vollwertige Hauptmahlzeit mit nur 211 Kalorien: Genuss ohne Reue!
- Einfach & schnell: Ideal für Frühstück, Mittag- oder Abendessen.
- Proteinpower: Mehr als 19 Gramm Protein pro Portion – optimal für die Erhaltung der Muskelmasse.
- Nährstoff-Boost: 24 Vitamine und Mineralien – in der genau richtigen Menge.
- Ballaststoffe für deine Verdauung: Reichlich Ballaststoffe unterstützen eine gesunde Verdauung und tragen zu einem Sättigungsgefühl bei.
- Keine leeren Versprechen: Unser Shake ist ein vollwertiger Mahlzeitersatz und entspricht der EU-Diätverordnung 2016/1413.
- Nur CHF 2.20 pro Mahlzeit!Nur € 1,66 pro Mahlzeit! In einem Beutel sind 15 Portionen.
- Umweltfreundlich: Im nachhaltigen, recyclebaren Beutel.
There are no better values for a full meal.
Lose weight quickly and sustainably with the All You Need Shake. The simplest principle and the be-all and end-all of losing weight is calorie deficit. However, there are many things you can do wrong here. In the worst case, the body falls into a protective mode and / or becomes sick or tired due to deficiency symptoms. The All You Need Shake ensures that exactly this does not happen. Strictly according to EU diet regulation, the shake contains, among other things, exactly the nutritional values, minerals and vitamins that completely replace a meal.
Quite simply, if you already have the motivation and the will to replace one meal a day with a shake, it should also deliver results. It is the first days clearly an adjustment (for body and mind), if you were used to a meal with 400-500kcal. However, with this shake you have the certainty that the body is still supplied with enough carbohydrates, protein, fat, vitamins and minerals despite the calorie deficit. The body gets used to the change after a few days (usually 3-4).
Embrace Your Unique Beauty - achieve your personal feel-good figure with FitNFemale.
Weight: 0.450 kg |
Ingredients: Molkeneiweisskonzentrat (27%) (Emulgator: Lecithine (Sonnenblume)), Sojaeiweiss (25%), Maltodextrin (25%), Emulgator: Lecithine (Soja); Aroma, resistentes Dextrin, Oligofructose, Flohsamenschalenpulver, Kaliumcitrat, fettarmes Kakaopulver, Magnesiumcarbonat, Salz, Verdickungsmittel: Guarkernmehl; Calciumcarbonat, L-Ascorbinsäure, L-Carnitin, Zinkgluconat, Eisensulfat, Süßungsmittel: Sucralose, Steviolglycoside aus Stevia; DL-alpha-Tocopherylacetat, Nicotinamid, Retinylacetat, Calcium-D-pantothenat, Kupfergluconat, Mangangluconat, Mangansulfat, Cyanocobalamin, Pyridoxinhydrochlorid, Riboflavin, Thiaminmononitrat, Cholecalciferol, Phyllochinon, Pteroylmonoglutaminsäure, Kaliumiodid, Natriumselenit, D-Biotin. |
Allergens: Milch (Laktose), Molkeneiweiss, Emulgator (Sojalecithin), Sojaeiweiß |
Material description: Full meal replacement, complies with EU dietary regulation |
Nutritional values per serving: Energy: 211kcal, Protein: 19.4g, Fat: 6.0g, of which saturated fat: 1.2g, Carbohydrates: 18.4g, of which sugar: 11.6g, Fiber: 2.2g, Salt: 0.71g |
Nutritional values per 100g: Energy: 392kcal, Protein: 42.1g, Fat: 9.9g, of which saturated fat: 2.2g, Carbohydrates: 29.3g, of which sugar: 6.7g, Fiber: 7.3g, Salt: 1.58g |
Intake Recommendation: 1 time daily add 30g of powder with 200ml of low-fat milk (1.5%) in a shaker and shake for 20 seconds. |
Product type: Powder |
Intake times: To replace a main meal, evening, morning |
Taste: Cookies |
Areas of application: |
Other features: |
Pregnancy: |
Lactation: |
Vegan: |
Size/Content: 15 servings, 450 GR |
Nutrition info: high fiber, gelatin free, high protein, low calories, low fat, low sugar |
Note Keep out of reach of young children. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. Dietary supplements should not be used as a substitute for a varied diet. |
sara_gingelmaier23 -
I like 👌
sanna -
I like the new shake much better than the one you had before. Tastes creamy and good, I will get again
Maya -
Tastes really tasty and also makes you full
verena1989 -
Fills you up well in the evening
Sarah -
I find very tasty and the Cooky taste is great. Thanks to your mega support! GLS had not properly deposited my package and I was super helped
Qendresa -
Tastes so good, I look forward to my next shake!
Ardita S. -
Fills me up well
Daniela -
Really filling, but I would prefer something chocolatey in terms of taste.
A.V. -
I think it's delicious and tastes good like cookie & vanilla
Claudia -
Please also make the shake with cafe latte flavor, Cockies is not so delicious🙄 Tastes too artificial to me. Otherwise it's great.
Sandra -
Ich mochte ihn sehr. Leider enthält der Shake Jod. Ohne das, wäre es für mich ein Volltreffer als Mahlzeitenersatz. Ich hab Hashimoto, Jod muss ich also vermeiden.