Tips for optimal nutrition during pregnancy

Tipps Für Eine Optimale Ernährung In Der Schwangerschaft

Most women are delighted to hear the happy news from their doctor: "You're having a baby!" Especially if it is the first child, an exciting time begins in which the young mother has to deal with many questions. Especially who Pregnancy has longed for for a long time and wants to experience it consciously, does not want to do anything wrong. Pregnant women are gladly provided with advice from their environment. This includes, "But now you have to eat for two." Every woman has certainly heard this wisdom more than once. But is it really true? And what is to be thought of many other pieces of advice of this kind? If you want to know more about this topic, you can find it here:

Tips for optimal nutrition during pregnancy

Prefer fresh fruits and vegetables.
The advantages of fresh food (few calories, many vitamins and minerals) now also benefit your child. Vitamins that are sensitive to heat are preserved. If you tolerate raw food well, you should consume plenty of it every day. An overdose of vitamins, which can occur when taking dietary supplements, is virtually eliminated by eating natural foods.
Indulge in strange cravings.
You suddenly want to eat foods that you previously detested? You feel like cheese with whipped cream? You can't live without pickles anymore? Do not worry. Trust your inner voice. Your body may be telling you at this moment which nutrients it urgently needs.
Give up diets.
During pregnancy, your energy needs increase. Your unborn child needs more calories and nutrients. Dieting can interfere with its development or even harm it. If you are extremely overweight, the same applies here: Ask your doctor what measures are medically necessary. 
Prefer small portions.

5 small meals are better tolerated during pregnancy than three large portions. Eating regularly keeps blood sugar levels stable. Towards the end of pregnancy, the mother's internal organs are cramped by the baby - a full stomach quickly feels uncomfortable. Smaller portions do not require as much space and are also digested more quickly. 

Possibly substitute folic acid.

The water-soluble vitamin folic acid is often neglected in today's diet. It cannot be produced by the body itself, but the requirement increases additionally during pregnancy. It may therefore be advisable to supplement folic acid during the first three months of pregnancy. But be sure to consult your doctor about this. 

Refrain from raw animal foods.

Since unprocessed meat and other animal foods can cause an increased germ load, you should largely avoid raw products during your pregnancy. You can enjoy sushi, products containing raw eggs or tartar after the birth. 

Alcohol should be a no-go for you from now on!
From the moment you find out about your pregnancy, you should refrain from any alcohol consumption. A glass of champagne to celebrate will certainly not kill your unborn child. But the damage that alcohol consumption can do at any stage of pregnancy is serious. In extreme cases, anything from severe malformations of the embryo to stillbirth is unfortunately possible. If you can't do without a toasting glass, you can find non-alcoholic beer, sparkling wine or wine as alternatives. 

A word about sports during pregnancy

The fact that you are expecting a baby should give you none Provide excuse to stop all sports activities. Pregnancy is not a disease. Moderate exercise and light fitness training will do you good and prepare me for the efforts of childbirth. The postpartum period may also be shorter and less complicated. It goes without saying that you should not set any records during the next nine months! Just talk to your doctor about your usual sports activities. He can advise and support you in any case. 


Eating for two during pregnancy? Yes, but this does not primarily mean the quantity, but the intake of valuable ingredients. Empty calories will only cause you to put on extra pounds that you will have to work hard to lose after pregnancy. Every pregnancy and birth is much more pleasant and trouble-free with a slim and fit body.