Tag Archives: Lebensmittel

The 3 main components for the perfect diet for you

Since it is not enough to follow a dull pattern, we would like to give you in this [...]

Whey and casein: This is the difference

Although both proteins are derived from milk and have quite a lot in common in other respects, there are [...]

How to eat out healthy

It's not always easy to resist the temptations that await you everywhere along the way, [...]

Superfood Chia Seeds

Chia seeds are considered a so-called superfood, because this seed is particularly rich in antioxidants, proteins, fiber, [...]

Lose weight despite a busy schedule with these 17 tips

Our everyday life is becoming more and more hectic, not least due to the advancing mechanization, so that it is not uncommon [...]

The surprising truth about artificial sweeteners

Sweeteners are often used for all sorts of ailments - from headaches to weight gain to [...]

The truth about carbohydrates and why you should eat them

The tiresome topic of carbohydrates frustrates you? Then you are certainly not alone, because [...]

5 healthy breakfast ideas

A substantial and nutritious breakfast is essential, especially for athletes, and should be [...]

10 Superfoods with great properties

When we think of superfoods, the obvious conclusion is that we mean foods that [...]

5 foods that fill you up

Especially for us athletes, hunger can be an agonizing condition capable of [...]

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