Lovesickness - 7 tips against it


Heartbreak is a damn tricky business in the truest sense of the word. After all, almost everyone has experienced it after a breakup. No matter whether it's a long-term relationship, the end of the first great love or just the end of a shorter liaison. The loss of a loved one is often associated with a more or less pronounced mourning phase.

This applies to both women and men. Inner emptiness, lack of drive and the absolute desire to do nothing determine everyday life. And that's perfectly okay. At least for a while. At some point, however, you need to find a way to overcome the heartbreak and go through the day with renewed vigor. With the following 7 tips, you'll succeed in no time.

1- Me Time - Take time for yourself

Even if we don't like to admit it, a relationship is exhausting. After all, we sacrifice a lot of our time for our partner and all too often take ourselves back. One of the best options for sending heartbreak fleeing is "me time." What's that supposed to be again?

It's simple: It's just time you take to focus on yourself and do exactly the things you enjoy and feel good about. Just do things for once without having to consider others. From a bubble bath to a simple bum day on the couch to a visit to the spa or starting a new hobby, the possibilities are endless.

2- Travel - Break away from your everyday life

What could be more depressing than sitting in your own four walls in a lousy mood and being constantly reminded of your experiences with your ex-partner? Distraction through a change of scenery is the best option here to get rid of the negative feelings and pave the way for an emotional fresh start.

Simply going away for a few days can make you forget the pain of separation. And the trip doesn't even have to be far away or last for weeks. Even a short trip organized with friends to a city of your choice, to the sea or hiking in a neighboring low mountain range can work wonders.

3- Sport - Just sweat out the heartbreak

Physical exertion is an excellent outlet for releasing stress and built-up emotions. What works for a simple argument or stress at work, and has been recommended by coaches for many years as an anti-stress solution, also works for mourning the loss of a partner. Endurance sports are particularly effective here.

After all, after a certain amount of time your body releases its own happiness hormones, which act like the body's own drugs and brighten your mood. Whether cycling, swimming or running - whether team sports, sports as a group experience or working out in the gym. It's up to you to decide which sport best helps you process your feelings.

4- Help others - helping makes happy

It's not just sport that makes people happy and puts negative emotions to flight. Rather, it is the case that nothing promotes the happiness hormone level in the blood as much as the certainty of helping someone through one's commitment. A separation is always also a new beginning. In line with this principle, you can use the time to get involved in social activities or volunteer work.

Whether you help out at the animal shelter, plant trees, work at the food bank once a week, or volunteer at the Red Cross or the volunteer fire department - that's up to you. One thing's for sure: thanks to the combination of distraction and happy hormones, you'll soon not only forget your ex-partner, but also gain a lot of self-confidence.

5- Be creative - process heartbreak with art

Have you ever wondered how many songs, movies and poems are about love and heartbreak? All you have to do is walk past your bookshelf or browse your Spotify playlist. So what could be more natural than to creatively process your own feelings as well.

Well, the filming thing could be a bit time-consuming. But a pad and pen are all you need to put your feelings down on paper in the form of a song, poem or even an entire novel. And who knows, maybe it will become a bestseller. Rumor has it that people suffering from heartbreak love to read such stories. So you might even kill two birds with one stone.

6- Friends & Family - Hold on to your loved ones

Good friends and, of course, your family are exactly the people who give you the greatest support. Friends and family members are also a good place to start when you're heartbroken, because they're always ready with a piece of advice or two. And friends and family can also help you get over the agonizing loneliness. Often, profound conversations with friends even result in common ground when dealing with heartbreak. And well, as the saying goes: a sorrow shared is a sorrow halved.

7- New game, new luck - Faith in the next love

Even if it sounds incomprehensible at first and borders on emotional cruelty, you should see the good in every breakup. Even more. Despite your heartbreak, you should also believe that the next love is guaranteed to come. Of course, at first it is hard to imagine that in the future a partner will knock you down again like the one you lost.

But be sure: It will definitely happen. And most of the time, it will happen exactly when you don't expect it. But it's not guaranteed to happen if you sit alone at home in your closet and cry your eyes out. So, cheer up and keep going!

Attention: Only lovesickness or already depression?
After a relationship, heartbreak is normal. The difference, however, is that this mourning phase stops earlier for one person and later for another. So far, everything is also still in the green zone. At times, the feeling of inner emptiness can even have a limiting effect on many other areas of life.

However, if this emotional state lasts for many weeks or even months, you could run the risk of the heartbreak turning into a depressive mood or even depression. If this is the case, it can be helpful if you process the breakup with the help of a therapist.

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