Category Archives: Ernährung

Why the scale can be your enemy

In this article we would like to show you why the scale does not [...]

5 healthy breakfast ideas

A substantial and nutritious breakfast is essential, especially for athletes, and should be [...]

Shift work - tips for training & nutrition

A regular daily routine is not only enormously beneficial in general, but also for our [...]

How to avoid weight gain during the vacations

When the vacation season comes around, the same problem comes up every year. How can you [...]

Diet pills: Effective or unnecessary?

In this article we will tell you what to think about miracle pills, how [...]

10 Superfoods with great properties

When we think of superfoods, the obvious conclusion is that we mean foods that [...]

45 tips & tricks for fat burning

Below we have summarized 45 tips & tricks for burning fat.

8 tips for the prevention of breast cancer

Current figures from the German Cancer Aid show that around 75,000 women are diagnosed with breast cancer in this country every year, [...].

19 rules for the optimal diet

Below, we have compiled 19 tips to show you how to use smart nutrition rules [...]

8 tips to burn more calories every day

Mit diesen 8 hilfreichen Tipps verbrennst du mehr Kalorien in einer kürzeren Zeit.

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