Standstill in losing weight? These could be the reasons

Stillstand Beim Abnehmen? Das Könnten Die Gründe Sein

There are few things more frustrating than a standstill at the Slimming. You do your best and do everything you've learned about getting slim. And yet nothing happens.
Instead of banging your head against the wall or giving up altogether, take a closer look at what you have done and what you may have failed to do to achieve your goals.
Remember: in the beginning you will achieve rapid success. As time goes on, the speed of weight loss will decrease. In such a situation, you must not despair and expect things of yourself that are unrealistic or even impossible.

Here are a few things you should know (not only) during a plateau phase:

1. nature is incorruptible.
When you start losing weight, you logically weigh the most. With every kilo you lose, the amount of energy you need for all kinds of everyday activities also decreases.
You also mainly lose water at the start. Although you may have already become noticeably thinner, the body starts to lose fat from the second week at the earliest. The more sport you do from then on, the less tissue fluids are stored.

2. look at your calorie intake.

Several factors could play a role in a plateau phase. The following three mistakes are particularly popular (involuntarily, of course) and often lead to efforts coming to a standstill:
- You're not eating enough.
- You don't drink enough water.
- You eat too much.
The latter is a piece of cake. If you consume more calories than you think and/or eat more than you burn, you won't lose any weight. It's as simple as that.
If you do not consume enough food and therefore calories for a certain period of time, your body will switch to survival mode. At this stage, it keeps the fat in the depots as an emergency reserve for later "droughts".
Log your eating behavior. This is one of the best ways to measure your current calorie intake and find the mistakes. If you are one of the majority of Germans who own a smartphone, you can download a calorie counter app that can help you do this efficiently. Alternatively, you can write everything down in a book or notebook. You'll be surprised what you find out. It happens more often than you think that people eat over 4000 calories a day when they had estimated their consumption at 2000 to 2500.
It becomes downright dangerous and harmful to your health if you don't drink enough fluids. Prolonged dehydration is the main cause of almost every ailment a person can suffer from. Headaches and a lack of concentration are the more harmless effects. Your body needs the water to transport the fat cells that have been broken out of the depots to the muscles, where they are finally burned thanks to protein synthesis. If there is not enough water, your body cannot do this. The fat remains in the blood and ends up being stored again.  
Are you changing your program too quickly and too often?
When it comes to healthy and sustainable weight loss, consistency is paramount. If you change your training program after a week because you haven't seen enough results, you're on the wrong track. It doesn't work like that. Your body is not a machine. Give it time to get used to the new rhythm of life and align itself with your goals. You should stick to your program for at least 30 days. If you are still not convinced, you can start something new. Remember: you've put on the pounds in 7 or 14 days. You won't get rid of them any time soon.  
Your training is not hard enough.
While you shouldn't change your training too quickly on the one hand, you shouldn't become complacent on the other. Increase the weights and increase the intensity of the sessions to challenge yourself more. With a little more load and increased resistance, you can make progress without changing a single detail of your training plan. If you train on a cross trainer, for example, you should use the time and really step on the gas. Most people don't train on the machine. They just mess around by choosing programs with far too little resistance. You can recognize these "athletes" because their shirts are not or only slightly sweaty. If you want to achieve something, you have to be able to wring it out afterwards. Cardio is not a coffee klatch. You have to train so hard that you can't have a conversation. It also has a positive side effect. The harder you train during cardio, the stronger your endurance muscles become. You'll be amazed how you fly up the stairs to the suburban train without even realizing it. Your legs will do it all by themselves.
Check your macronutrients
Some diets omit important and necessary nutrients. Sometimes it's carbohydrates and sometimes it's fats. Either way, you are depriving your body of the macros it needs to do its job. A total "no" is never a good idea. Slow carbohydrates and preferably polyunsaturated fatty acids are important pillars of a healthy diet.
For successful weight loss, it is essential to eat good proteins. The fat cells in the muscles are burned. The stronger and bigger they are, the more they can do. They need proteins and the amino acids they contain in order to function optimally as fuel cells in the fat loss process as a result of efficient synthesis.

Nerve receptors prevent you from succeeding

Standing still while losing weight is common worldwide. It is tiring and frustrating. Fat stubbornly persists, especially in problem areas. There is a reason for this. Two types of receptors play a role in fat metabolism.
1. beta receptors
Betas are the fire department that break up the fat cells and release them into the bloodstream. They are triggered by adrenaline, growth hormones etc. as well as by sport. They are your friends and helpers.
2. alpha receptors
The alphas are the gatekeepers of the fat cells in the problem areas. Since the body is known to set aside energy resources for scarce times, it does not want them to be used too quickly. This is why the alphas exist. They prevent the betas from entering the fat cells and ensure that the deposits remain unchanged for longer.