The 6 best foods for cancer prevention

Die 6 besten lebensmittel zur krebsprävention

Despite all the groundbreaking medical advances that have been made in recent years, including in the field of cancer research, the insidious disease has not lost its terror in this country in the slightest. Accordingly, it is not surprising that the population is longing for answers on how to prevent the malignant tumor disease. In addition to conventional medical treatment approaches and regular preventive checkups, which even young people should undergo from time to time, daily nutrition is taking on an increasingly important role in the context of cancer prevention. Scientific studies suggest that the consumption of certain foods and the micronutrients they contain can help to significantly reduce the risk of developing cancer in the course of a lifetime. In this context, we have selected for you 6 foods that, according to scientific evidence, contribute to cancer prevention.

1 - Dairy products

Dairy products such as Greek yogurt, Skyr (Icelandic yogurt), cheese, milk and, of course, Whey and casein protein powders not only contribute significantly to healthy muscle growth, but can also help prevent the development of the dangerous tumor disease. New scientific research suggests that the consumption of dairy products can lead to a significant reduction in the risk of developing bladder, breast, colon, ovarian as well as prostate cancer. The scientists involved were unable to find any evidence, even in the context of long-term studies, for the assumption, formerly widespread even in medical circles, that the frequent consumption of dairy products promotes the development of cancer, or for any other negative effect in relation to the occurrence of fatal diseases. However, the researchers also point out that dairy products are not a panacea, but only one pillar in the overall concept of a healthy and balanced diet.

2 - Tomatoes

A recently published study by English researchers revealed that tomatoes can also help reduce the risk of cancer. The study found that men who ate 10 servings of tomatoes or equivalent tomato products, such as tomato sauce or tomato ketchup, each week had a 20 percent reduced risk of developing prostate cancer. The latest study supports the findings of earlier research, which offered a reduced risk of disease by up to 35 percent. The reason for the health-promoting effect of tomatoes is the lycopene contained in them, a potent antioxidant that fights dangerous free radicals and prevents damage to body cells and the DNA contained in the cell nuclei. In the study, one serving of tomatoes was equivalent to 250 milliliters of tomato juice, 7 cherry tomatoes or one medium-sized beef tomato.

3 - Dark chocolate

Chocolate addicts rise up! Studies show that the flavonoids contained in cocoa can significantly reduce the probability of occurrence of numerous cancers. According to the scientists' findings, the secondary plant compound counteracts the overproduction of reactive oxygen species in the intestines, which can promote the production of cancer cells. In addition, dark chocolate with a high cocoa content can be used as a nitrogen booster before exercise. To ensure that the chocolate has a sufficient flavonoid concentration, it should have a cocoa content of at least 85 percent.

4 - Coffee

By far the most consumed beverage in this country, it is not only extremely tasty and invigorating, but also promotes good health, so every single cup should taste even better to you. A new study published in the journal Cancer Causes & Control examined 1,000 male subjects who had beaten prostate cancer and came to the startling conclusion that all subjects who drank four or more cups of coffee per day had up to a 60 percent lower risk of recurrence than participants who consumed less coffee. This research supports the finding of an earlier Harvard University study. Other ingredients such as cafestol, kahweol and chlorogenic acid have a preventive effect on the occurrence of liver cancer, according to the researchers' findings. So it's worth combining the useful with the practical by infusing your morning vanilla or chocolate protein shake with coffee instead of water. Together with a little stevia, the mixture tastes better than anything Starbucks and consorts have to offer.

5 - Kale

Kale belongs to the same vegetable family as broccoli, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts, but is incomparably richer in health-promoting antioxidants and secondary plant compounds. These include numerous glucosinolates, which are also believed to be able to reduce the likelihood of cancer. Although cabbage plants such as kale also contain goitrogens that affect thyroid function, this does not detract from the health-promoting aspect, as you would have to consume extreme amounts daily to reach a dose that would have a negative effect.

6 - garlic

Garlic is not only known for its positive effect on the immune system and the cardiovascular system, but also has a preventive effect on the development of cancer thanks to the organosulfur compounds it contains, according to scientific findings. A recent Chinese study showed that consuming at least two servings of raw garlic a week reduced the risk of lung cancer by up to 45 percent. In addition, the substances contained in garlic, such as allicin, have antibiotic and antifungal effects, so garlic is generally considered very healthy and can help your body fight off infections.

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