The 30 best leg exercises


Who his Legs The person who wants to train often has only a few exercises in mind that he can integrate into his training plan for this purpose. In addition to the absolute classics, which are also mentioned in this list, there are numerous other exercises that help you to address every muscle fiber of your legs. Only those who load their muscles in a variety of ways and thus prepare them for athletic and everyday challenges are able to fully develop their performance potential.

Exercise 1 - Front Squats
With the help of the front squat, in contrast to the classic squat, it is possible for you to place the load focus significantly more on the quadriceps, which is very beneficial for the development of the front thigh muscles. In the starting position, stand shoulder-width apart and grasp the barbell in an overhand grip. Now position the bar in a line on your shoulder and chest muscles and raise your elbows so that they are slightly above the bar, which now rests on your fingertips. Now begin the squat. Because of the high demands on your coordination skills and core stability, you should first practice the technique with the unloaded bar.

Exercise 2 - Bulgarian Split Squat
Grab two dumbbells and stand about half a meter in front of a bench. Now position the instep of one foot on the bench so that there is an angle of about 100 degrees between the upper and lower leg. Now perform a one-legged squat. The apex of the movement is reached when your knee almost reaches the floor. Once you've completed a set with one leg, it's the other's turn.

Exercise 3 - Romanian deadlift
In the Romanian deadlift, the starting position is similar to that of the classic deadlift. However, make sure that you bend your hips forward as far as possible while bending your knees only as far as necessary. Now guide the bar along your shins until you feel a distinct pull in your hamstrings. Then slowly return to the starting position. As with conventional deadlifts, it is imperative that you keep your back straight to avoid injury.

Exercise 4 - Squats
The squat is the king exercise of leg training and is accordingly demanding. Stand shoulder-width in front of the squat rack, place yourself underneath the bar and grasp it by the marks on it. Once the weight is on your neck muscles and back shoulder, take a step back and start squatting. As you perform the squat, make sure you keep your back straight and your knees do not extend too far beyond the tops of your feet. In order to still be able to bend as deeply as possible, which is necessary for optimal stimulation of the thigh muscles, you should also work on your hip mobility with the help of stretching exercises.

Exercise 5 - Dumbbell Stepup
Stand half a meter behind an exercise bench and take two dumbbells with a training weight of your choice. Now place one foot on the bench in step position and push yourself up with this leg so that you come to a stop with both legs on the bench. Now return to the starting position. Once one repetition is complete, perform another with your other leg.

Exercise 6 - Deadlift
In the classic deadlift, the range of motion is somewhat greater than in the Romanian deadlift. In fact, this means that your thighs are almost parallel to the floor during the movement, which at the same time means that the quadriceps and gluteus are loaded significantly more. When doing deadlifts, it is of utmost importance that you pay attention to the stability of your lower back, because the weight bearing down on your intervertebral discs increases significantly in the case of a lack of muscular stability, which can sometimes lead to herniated discs in the long run.

Exercise 7 - Leg curls on the exercise ball
Lie flat on the floor and position your thighs on an exercise ball. Now tense your abdominal muscles so that your body forms a straight line from head to toe. To ensure the necessary stability of the torso, support yourself with your arms on the floor. Now pull the ball towards your buttocks with the help of your feet, keeping the tension in your torso.

Exercise 8 - Single leg Romanian deadlift
In the Romanian deadlift with only one leg, you use a dumbbell in contrast to the classic version, but the movement remains the same. The advantage of the exercise, however, is that through the one-legged execution you train your coordination skills and also strengthen the lower auxiliary muscles, which are primarily responsible for stabilizing the body.

Exercise 9 - Leg press
Adjust the seat of the machine so that your legs are not fully extended in the starting position, but have a minimum angle between the upper and lower leg. Your feet should also be shoulder-width apart on the pressure plate, with the tops of your feet slightly rotated outward to avoid injury and to best engage the muscles. During each repetition, make sure you bend your knees to a maximum 90-degree angle at the apex and do not extend through at the end of the repetition.

Exercise 10 - Calf raise
When doing calf raises with your own body weight, you stand on a free surface and push your entire body upwards with your calves. The exercise is more effective if you perform it on a step, as this gives you a much greater range of motion.

Exercise 11 - Walking lungs
Grab two dumbbells and stand about shoulder-width apart in the starting position. Now take a step forward and bend your right knee until your thigh is parallel to the floor and your left knee almost reaches the floor. Then repeat the movement with your other leg as you take the next step.

Exercise 12 - Pause squat
The movement of the Pause Squat is similar to the classic squat. The only difference is that you pause briefly at the apex of the exercise, i.e. the point of maximum flexion, and only then return to the starting position. The forced restart ensures that your muscle fibers are put under much more tension than is the case in the course of the normal squat.

Exercise 13 - Reverse lung
The reverse lunge is a variation of the walking lunge, whereby it should be clear that the steps are not performed forward, but backward. Since this exercise is very challenging in terms of coordination, you should first perfect the technique with light dumbbells.

Exercise 14 - Squats with dumbbells
Basically, this exercise is hardly different from the normal squat. However, make sure that your lower back remains straight and the dumbbells rest stably on your shoulders.

Exercise 15 - Kettlebell Swing
Stand shoulder-width in front of the kettlebell, bend forward slightly and grasp the weight with both hands. Now pull the weight backward between your legs, bending your back and slightly bending your knees. Then swing the weight up to shoulder height, straightening explosively.

Exercise 16 - Jump Squats
Perform a traditional squat without additional weight. Once your thighs are parallel to the floor, jump off as hard as you can and then land back on the floor. Make sure your knees are slightly bent as you land to cushion the impact.

Exercise 17 - Calf raise with the barbell
Pick up the barbell in the squat rack as if you were going to perform a squat. Then stand with the balls of your feet shoulder-width apart on two thick weight plates so that you benefit from the greatest possible range of motion. Then lower your calves and push yourself up as high as you can. At the apex of the movement, briefly hold position to maximize peak contraction.

Exercise 18 - Hip flexor stretch
Get into the lunge position with your left knee bent first. At the same time, raise your right arm straight up to the ceiling and push your hip forward. Then you ensure maximum contraction in the left buttock. Hold this position for at least 30 seconds and then switch sides.

Exercise 19 - Skater Squat
Stand on your right leg and lift your left off the floor. Extend both arms forward and then perform a one-legged squat. Angle your leg as it hovers in the air and use it to balance your body. Then repeat the procedure with your other leg.

Exercise 20 - Jumping calf lift
Stand on the floor with your feet parallel to each other. The soles of your feet touch the floor completely. Now jump off the ground using only your calf muscles and then land again with bent knees.

Exercise 21 - Hip lift with the barbell
Pick up a barbell, lie down on a workout bench with your shoulder blades and place your knees on the floor at a 90-degree angle so that your thighs and torso form a straight line. While the barbell is resting on your hips, lower them until your butt almost touches the floor. Then press your hips back to the starting position.

Exercise 22 - Bridge
Lie on your back with your legs bent and stabilize your upper body with your arms pressed to the floor. Now push your hips up with the help of your leg flexors and hold the position for two to three seconds.

Exercise 23 - Single leg bridge
The one-legged bridge is somewhat more demanding and is performed in the same way as the classic bridge with both legs. The only difference is that one leg remains extended throughout the entire movement and is in line with the upper body.

Exercise 24 - Calf raise sitting
Place the balls of your feet on the block provided and lock the weight in its starting position so that it rests directly on the thigh just above the knee. During the execution, make sure that you also use the maximum range of motion here. Use less weight in favor of the range of motion love.

Exercise 25 - Squats with the exercise ball
Press an exercise ball with your back against the wall and hold it in position. Now stand shoulder-width apart and rotate your feet slightly outward before performing a squat. Make sure that the ball remains in position during the movement.

Exercise 26 - Reverse Table-Up
Sit on the floor with your legs bent and place your hands on the floor below your shoulders with your fingertips pointing forward. Now tighten your buttocks and lift your hips until your thighs and upper body form a straight line.

Exercise 27 - Kettlebell Press-Out
Take a kettlebell and get into the squat position. Make sure you balance your body stably and then extend your arms forward with the kettlebell. Then pull your arms back to your chest.

Exercise 28 - Suspension Trainer Curls
If you have a TRX trainer available, you can also use it to train your rear thighs. Position your feet in the loops and lie flat on your back. Then bend your knees and pull your upper body upwards, creating a 90-degree angle between your thighs and lower legs.

Exercise 29 - Overhead lung
Basically, this exercise is a normal lunge. However, it differs from the classic version in that you hold a barbell above your head with your arms stretched throughout the exercise. This way you achieve an additional strengthening of the torso muscles. However, to be on the safe side, it is recommended that you first internalize the technique with a light weight.

Exercise 30 - Calf raise standing
If you perform calf raises standing on the machine, you should first and foremost make sure that the pad in the starting position is not set too high, so that the muscles are already under tension at the beginning. Furthermore, in the course of this variant of the calf raise, it is important to use the entire range of motion to maximize the contraction time of the calf muscles.

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