Tag Archives: Schwangerschaft

This destructive influence alcohol has on pregnancy & the unborn child

Whether the beer at the barbecue, the red wine with pasta or the cocktail under [...]

5 types of exercises you should avoid during pregnancy

During your pregnancy, you have certainly heard one or the other time, [...]

Rectus diastasis after pregnancy? Here's what you can do about it!

Most people don't even know what rectus diastasis is. Many young mothers do not realize [...]

5 Ways Busy Moms Can Keep Fit

To fit a workout and nutrition plan into your busy schedule, all you need is a little [...]

How to start training again after a cesarean section

If you're lucky, you'll be told you should be in the first six weeks after [...]

Refreshing honesty! The new photo trend with the stretch marks

In the midst of the conspicuously perfect staging of tanned bodies with flat bellies, big breasts and [...]