Tag Archives: Krafttraining

Strength training - Questions & Answers

To bring a little clarity to the matter and help you get started, [...]

15 phrases women who do strength training can no longer hear

Women who strength train have heard a lot of things. The following fifteen phrases are especially annoying [...]

These 4 things you should do before every workout

Furthermore, in order for the training not to lack the desired effect, it is necessary to make each workout [...]

How to get the butt and tummy of your dreams

An athletic and well-toned body will always result from a combination of the right sports program and [...]

26 Fitness Myths Revealed

To help you distinguish between fact and fiction, in this article we've given you 26 [...]

Checklist for the perfect gym

In this article, we present you with a checklist of the basic quality characteristics that a good [...]

7 things that make a perfect training partner

Having a really good training partner is a real stroke of luck, because they don't help you [...]

The 30 best back exercises

So you don't get bored with the same exercises every week and instead [...]

Overtraining - these can be the consequences

In the following article, you can read about the exact consequences of overtraining.

What men need to know about women & fitness

When it comes to the subject of fitness, it is precisely between men and women [...]

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