Simone's journey to a healthy body shows the curse and blessing of social networks

Simone Andersen reports in an impressive way on Facebook about her epic journey from a very overweight, low exercise person to an attractive, well-toned woman. Her starting weight was 158 kilograms, she was able to reduce it to an impressive 83 kilograms. If you want to follow the journey in full and in pictures, you can find on all the details! This also shows the blessing and curse of social networks: she was openly insulted that everything was just a "fake" and then showed the reality. And got support from fans.

Diversity in nutrition and training that impresses us

We are usually familiar with reports of extremely overweight people, mostly from the USA, where obesity has become one of the major problems of the healthcare system. The fact that a young, attractive New Zealander has "piled on" up to 158 kilograms is rather unusual. Her Facebook blog impresses us because it combines a lot of things that non-athletes can only understand once they have overcome their inner weakness: Working out and shaping your body is really fun! You'll get a much better body feeling, try out different training locations and sports, and also eat a much more varied and conscious diet. In Simone's Journey to a Healthy Body, you can learn about some basic foods and carbohydrate sources. This diet lays the foundation for supplements and could be the basis for amino acids and ZMA products with which you can transform your body. Simone Andersen can be an impressive role model, especially for younger people, for the fact that she pulled the emergency brake late, but then decided to live a healthier and more interesting life!

Amazing interest and feedback on social media

Her Facebook blog is impressive because you can follow the activities over a long period of time and Simone also highlights the nutrition side. The number and quality of comments from users is very impressive, however, some of it has also developed a very unpleasant shitstorm. The reason for this is that the photos have long looked very professional and lovingly designed. However, the users simply do not want to believe the weight loss almost to half.

Fans and supporters make skin correction possible

You can certainly imagine the enormous emotional strain that various derogatory and negative comments caused. However, on August 11, 2015, there was a kind of happy ending: Simone announced that she wants to keep her weight and has received enough money through supporters to have the excess skin or the skin strips cut out. Then Simone will look even more attractive and will be able to continue enjoying sports and training.

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