Muscle building & definition with the right breakfast

Muskelaufbau & Definition Mit Dem Richtigen Frühstück

Your Muscle building or an attractive You can support the definition of your body with the right breakfast. With the following alternatives, you'll always get up on the right foot in the morning.

Question: What is the optimal breakfast for the Muscle building?

You may have heard breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Look at it realistically: No meal is more important or special than the next. What matters is what you do over the course of a day or week. That's what really matters. Are you one of those who loves breakfast? According to some recent research, you should reconsider the amount of carbohydrates you eat during the first meal of the day. Your breakfast should be based on your current performance or physical goals (Muscle building, Definition, etc.) are based.
It makes sense to find something you can enjoy. It is recommended to have a breakfast with a high percentage of proteins. This is both for the Muscle building as well as for the Definition suitable. The meal should also contain a moderate amount of dietary fats from medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs). The reason for this is simple: a recent study compared the effects of three different breakfast types in terms of their "anabolic" effect. The participants in the study had either fasted or consumed only protein or protein with carbohydrates.
The organisms of the subjects who had either fasted or eaten a diet containing only protein showed a significant increase in growth hormones. In contrast, there was no change in the people who had eaten a breakfast with proportions of protein and carbohydrates. The growth hormone is an essential helper for your goal of gaining the to help build muscle. It helps your body release amino acids. Another plus of a protein breakfast without significant carbohydrate content is that it lowers the stress hormone cortisol. This muscle killer is responsible for the breakdown of muscle protein during and after exercise.

Question: What about the optimal breakfast for the Definition of your muscles out?

Not only your Muscle building can be significantly favored by a protein-rich breakfast. The same applies to the Definition of your muscles. One reason for this is the growth hormones already mentioned, which, along with adrenaline, are among the most powerful fat burners known to man. Another plus would be to supplement your protein breakfast with the MCTs. The medium-chain triglycerides are fats that are easily absorbed by your body - unlike normal triglycerides - and consequently can be used immediately for energy. According to studies, a diet containing MCTs can increase the production of growth hormones, make more fat available for energy production and boost the metabolism. Having some fat for breakfast also encourages your body to use more fat as fuel throughout the day.

Conclusion: For Muscle building and Definition the same breakfast

The realization of your goal depends on the type of training you do. Both the Muscle building as well as the Definition of your muscles is supported by a morning MCT and protein diet without significant carbohydrate content. When you If you want to build muscle, you must perform the strength exercises with correspondingly high weights and 8 to 12 repetitions. For the Definition should be less as you need to do 15 to 20 reps per set.

Definition also means burning subcutaneous fat. The stronger your muscle building, the more calories you consume and the higher your basal metabolic rate. As you can see, both goals are closely linked from this aspect as well.

Whether Definition or Muscle building: Here are some anabolic breakfast options for you

High quality proteins:
For this purpose, lean protein sources such as turkey sausage, yogurt, cottage cheese or quark are primarily suitable. You can also ensure the supply of vital omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids with a homemade nut mixture consisting of walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds and macadamia nuts.

Coconut oil:
It consists of about 66 % of MCT; especially lauric acid, which helps regulate cholesterol balance, makes a positive impact.
Organic eggs:
Eggs contain a lot of protein. These are the high-quality egg proteins, which "produce" the enormously important amino acid leucine. In addition, eggs are equipped with healthy dietary fat, which is rich in omega-3 fatty acids. You should not go by price when choosing eggs and pay attention to the quality, because cheap products may be enriched with unhealthy substances and chemicals from animal husbandry and "produced" under undignified conditions.
Meat from cattle fed on grass:
When you cook beef from grass-fed animals in coconut oil, it not only tastes amazing. It also provides valuable protein and nutrients that you can use to Muscle building you need.
All high quality low carb protein powder:
Mix the powder with water and a portion of MCT oil if you are in a hurry.
Would you have known?
It has been proven that the amount of MCTs in coconut oil increases HDL cholesterol - the good one - and thus can improve the overall cholesterol ratio.

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