Strong muscles highlight your chest even better

Kräftige Muskeln Heben Deine Brust Noch Besser Hervor

If you're also like many other athletic women wondering how to make your breasts look bigger and more contoured, then you should definitely read on. In fact, there are some fitness exercises that will strengthen and tone the muscles of your upper body in such a way that you can appear more confident and also have a much more contoured, toned body.
The inspiration for these exercises comes from the fact that many sportswomen simply do not think about also sufficiently train the muscles of the chest. Only this training challenges the muscles so much that the muscle fibers begin to grow.

1 - Chest muscle exercises with dumbbells

This exercise for sustained strengthening of the pectoral muscles you can do without a lot of equipment. All you need is a bench and two dumbbells that you hold in your hands. Alternatively, you could also use arm weights, which are usually used for jogging, so that your arm muscles become even stronger. You start with your arms to the side and then bring them together over your head in an outward to inward motion. You can also use the outward motion: Move the dumbbells slowly so that the muscles are also loaded during that part of the exercise. Feel the strain in the upper chest muscles, which have better blood flow. Repeat these exercises several times, take a short break and then start the repetitions.

2 - Push ups in unusual form

You probably know push ups from the gym or other exercises. This push up works similarly, but it focuses less on the abdominal muscles and more on the upper chest muscles. You start the push up similar to how you would start a push up: The torso and legs form as straight a line as possible, and the hands are placed at about shoulder width. Then, however, the exercise begins differently than the push-up: In the push-up "in prone position", the arms remain stretched, you move your hips to the floor, so that there is tension in the upper body and chest. Then move your hips and buttocks back up so that the body forms a straight line again. Repeat this exercise several times, you may soon feel sore muscles.

3 - Lifting exercise with dumbbells - good for shoulders and chest

Another exercise that requires only a bench and two dumbbells is one that challenges the shoulders and front pectorals and helps define your body. The elbows are only slightly bent and you do not change the extension of the elbow joint. Bring the dumbbells parallel to your body to your side, pause for a few seconds and slowly bring both arms (and the dumbbells, of course) back up. this will strengthen the upper abdominal muscles in particular, and the shoulder joint will also become stronger over time. Repeat this exercise a few times and then take a short break. Then start again from the beginning.

4 - Strengthening the chest muscle through elbow exercises

This exercise is usually found warming up before fitness classes, but it is also great for strengthening the pectoral muscle. Sit cross-legged with your back straight and hold your arms directly in front of your face in the center of your body, keeping your elbow joints at a 90 degree angle. Now you can vary between two different variations of this exercise: Move both arms outward at the same time until the elbow and body and the elbow on the other side form a straight, continuous line. Hold for a few seconds and then return to the starting position. You could also perform the same exercise in such a way that you bring both arms up over your head and thus target other muscle areas.

These exercises allow you to target muscles or a part of the body that you may neglect too often or have not thought about enough in your training.

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