Gaslighting: When Manipulation Becomes a Daily Routine

Shot of a young couple having an argument while sitting on their

Does your partner's behavior seem strange to you, but you can't put your finger on what's wrong? Do you feel constantly confused and question your own perceptions? This could be a sign of Gaslighting a form of emotional manipulation that often occurs in partnerships. But don't worry, you're not alone and there is help. Here we explain what Gaslighting means and how you can recognize it.

What does gaslighting mean?

The term Gaslighting comes from the 1944 film of the same name, "Gaslight." In the film, a man systematically manipulates his wife to make her believe she is crazy. In real life Gaslighting a form of psychological manipulation in which one person tries to make another person doubt his or her own reality, memory, or perceptions. The purpose? Power and control.

Signs of Gaslighting

It is important to know that Gaslighting can be subtle and often drags on for a long period of time. Here are some signs to look out for:

  • Your perception is constantly challengedYou often hear sentences like "You just imagined it" or "It didn't happen that way.
  • You feel confused and insecure all the time: You doubt your memory or your judgment.
  • You apologize all the time: The Gaslighter makes you apologize for things you are not responsible for.
  • You often feel guilty or inadequate: The Gaslighter portrays you as the "difficult" or "sensitive" person.

What you can do

If you think you are a victim of Gaslighting to be, remind yourself that it's not your fault and you deserve support. Here are some steps you can take:

  • Inform yourself: The more you know about gaslighting, the better you can recognize it and take action against it.
  • Search support: Talk to friends, family or a therapist about what you are experiencing.
  • Trust in yourselfTrust your feelings and perceptions. They are valid and important.

Set boundaries and take care of yourself

It is important to respect yourself and set boundaries. Make sure you have enough me-time, cultivate hobbies and interests, and stay in touch with people who positively encourage and support you.

Get professional help

If you are experiencing gaslighting in your relationship, it may be helpful to seek professional support. A therapist or counselor can help you understand the situation and give you tools to deal with it and rebuild self-esteem.

Gaslighting is a serious form of emotional abuse that can profoundly affect self-esteem and confidence. But you are not alone and there is help and support available. The first step to overcoming gaslighting is to recognize and name it. Remember that you have the right to be heard, respected and loved.

Important resources

If you or someone you know has heard about Gaslighting is affected, do not hesitate to seek professional help. There are many organizations that offer support for mental abuse. Here are some examples:

  • National Domestic Violence Helpline
  • Emotional abuse hotline
  • Local counseling centers and emergency shelters

Remember: you are valuable, strong and capable, and there is always help available.

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