Detox diets: Myths vs. facts

Entgiftungs Diäten: Mythen Vs. Fakten

Our bodies are polluted and in need of urgent cleansing. Slags and toxins, amalgam, lead and other heavy metals, drug residues and toxins endanger our health and must be eliminated quickly and comprehensively. Hydro-colon therapy and eliminations, radical fasting and homeopathic remedies are absolutely necessary to make us spotless inside and out and to ensure the full functioning of our organs and tissues. Do these often striking and market-shouting statements and offers correspond to the truth or is it here about the big money with the health and/or the fear of illnesses? Do we really need all these remedies and waters or can we do something naturally? Decide for yourself after you have familiarized yourself with a few considerations ...

Detox diets and detox: yes or no?

For many years now, a fierce scientific or pseudoscientific dispute has been raging about "slags" in the human body. Slags are usually produced when coal is burned in power plants or industrial blast furnaces. They are the worthless remains of fossil fuel combustion and must be regularly removed. The faction of proponents of this "slag theory" postulates that decomposition products are also found in the human body. Not only in the intestines, but also in other body tissues. This leads not only to stress on the body, but also to cellulite (especially in women) and gradual poisoning. Opponents of this idea argue that there can be no waste products in the human body and that these are eliminated by the filter organs (kidneys, liver) on their own. An additional conscious intervention is therefore not necessary and can even harm the person.
Whoever is right here: The industry has taken advantage of this public dispute and sells not only detox diets but also detox products that are supposed to be absolutely necessary. These range from unknown herbs to capsules and tablets to shampoos and body care products that supposedly also support detoxification from the outside. The scientific proof remains usually guilty the manufacturers. However, they like to work with well-known names from the film and television industry. The star hype is cleverly exploited and in many tabloid magazines the supposed beauty secrets of the stars are divulged "behind closed doors". After all, who wouldn't want to be as beautiful as Angelina Jolie or as sexy as Megan Fox? Whether both actually "detox", we will certainly not find out.
Detox diets usually follow the principle of a severely restricted diet. Caffeine, alcohol and other supposed toxins are to be avoided. Likewise on meat and animal products. Fruits and vegetables are given priority in the diet, as well as plenty of fiber in the form of flaxseed, nuts and seeds. A preceding colon cleanse is often recommended to get the body ready for a new life.

But does it really have to be Detox?

Drinking enough is an important matter. It helps your kidneys and all the other cells in your body to eliminate toxins that we actually ingest from the environment or on our own (e.g. alcohol and nicotine).
Expand your food choices. We like to eat the same limited number of foods day in and day out. The choice of vegetable products, valuable oils and different types of fish is greater than we think if we look for them specifically. Also, there are interesting and quick ways of preparation that allow us to prepare valuable meals. With a little imagination and some information, we can replace many low-quality bagged and canned meals with their endless number of additives and avoid unnecessary, as well as controversial additives. What you don't let into your body doesn't need to be detoxified.
Eating a lot of fresh - and thus vitamin-rich - fruits and vegetables is also a good decision. These foods contain flavonoids, the effects of which have not yet been fully researched, but have been proven to be important for health. In addition, plant foods are low in fat and calories if you eat them raw or in a slightly processed state. On the other hand, they contain significantly more water than animal foods and ensure rapid digestion, partly due to the short time they spend in our intestines. In this way, any harmful substances do not remain in your organism for too long.
Giving up sweets brings you several benefits. Not only do you reduce your sugar and calorie intake, but often you also reduce a lot of the fat that can be present in chocolate, bars or cookies. For some people, chocolate seems to be a trigger for skin blemishes - surely you're happy to give up this side effect as well.
Provide your body with high-quality fats and proteins so that it can perform its repair tasks and find building blocks for cell renewal. The higher the quality of the basic substances (e.g. meat from free-range animals or eggs from chickens that are allowed to find their own natural food), the higher the value for your body.
Whether you want to have a colon cleanse is up to you. There are many options: from enemas to Glauber's salt to thorough flushing in clinics. These comprehensive cleanses are designed to deeply detoxify the body and stimulate the metabolism. However, when making your decision, be aware that there may be serious side effects, including injury to the intestinal wall or fatal heart or kidney failure.


 As you can see, you can also contribute a lot to the maintenance of your healthy body functions with scientifically already recognized measures and a little common sense. It doesn't always have to be expensive special diets and even more expensive products that take care of your well-being. If you provide yourself with all the nutrients in a varied way - based on a wide range of foods - drink enough and exercise a lot, you don't have to worry about "detox". You provide your body with all the substances it needs for its detoxification tasks, which it has been doing wonderfully for us for thousands of years.

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