Stop smoking - this is how the body recovers

Schluss Mit Rauchen So Erholt Sich Der Körper

Anyone who has smoked for years has not only seen a lot of money go up in smoke, which would certainly have been better spent elsewhere, but has also taken a toll on their body. The traces of smoking are deposited in numerous organs, resulting in various secondary complaints. For smokers scientists have now however new hope, which should motivate in each case to the immediate smoking stop. Lung specialists from Berlin have recently discovered that the body of smokers regenerates remarkably quickly. Until the first positive effects occur, it does not even take weeks or years, but only hours. But that's not all, because anyone who stops smoking before the age of 35 has statistically the same life expectancy as a lifelong non-smoker.
To give you an idea of this fascinating process, we would like to explain it with the help of the following timeline, which we hope will also motivate you to put down the smokes.

Step 1 - 15 to 20 minutes after the last cigarette
Just a few minutes after the last smoke goes out, our body begins to regenerate by normalizing the pulse and relaxing the cardiovascular system. The reason for this effect is the breakdown of the nerve toxin nicotine, which causes the vessels to contract immediately after the first puff of the cigarette. People who have smoked for years have to contend with arteries that are under a great deal of tension and tend to calcify due to the loss of suppleness. These deposits in turn promote a heart attack in the worst case. Even though the process of vascular regeneration, in which the vessels begin to relax, starts after just a few minutes, it takes between one and two years, depending on the individual, for the risk of cardiovascular disease to be reduced by half again.

Step 2 - 8 to 10 hours after the last cigarette
Given the abundance of additives and toxins in cigarettes and other tobacco products today, it is actually a miracle that our organism can cope with them at all. Surprisingly, however, it takes only 8 to 10 hours after the last puff for the toxic waste products of the glow stick absorbed via the smoke to completely disappear from the body. Incidentally, the stale taste and foul smell of smoke also disappear along with the toxic substances.

Step 3 - 2 days after the last cigarette
While the toxins are eliminated relatively quickly, it takes a little longer for the senses dulled by smoking to return to normal. Smokers who overcome this hurdle are rewarded for their efforts with a significant improvement in their sense of taste and smell.

Step 4 - 3 days after the last cigarette
Anyone who can stand three days without nicotine will notice that their breathing begins to improve again, as tensions in the bronchial system are released. This is also accompanied by a drop in blood pressure. At the same time, the receptors to which nicotine attaches also regenerate, which means that the first cigarette smoked in the usual manner after a longer period of abstinence often brings side effects such as dizziness and nausea.

Step 5 - 3 to 6 months after the last cigarette
Beginning with the first days after quitting smoking, lung regeneration begins and progresses step by step. This is primarily noticeable in terms of lung capacity, which is particularly noticeable during training, especially since you will feel the performance boost. But how do the lungs do it? In principle, the human lung has two mechanisms at its disposal to get rid of the dirt that has accumulated over the years. The first cleansing mechanism works with the help of the so-called cilia, which are already paralyzed by smoking a single cigarette for several hours and thus can no longer perform their task. If you smoke regularly, you permanently paralyze the cilia, which gradually die off. However, since these special cilia act like a protective filter in a healthy state, it is obvious that a holey filter lets a lot of dirt into the lungs. To prevent lung failure at this point, our lungs have a second cleaning mechanism, the mucus glands. These produce mucus, which in turn is coughed up along with the loosened dirt. The result is the well-known smoker's cough. Even though the mucus glands are actually helpful, just like fat cells, they do not regress once they exist. This means that ex-smokers can still be plagued by smoker's cough for a long time, as it easily takes six months for the cilia to start regenerating significantly, slowly rebuilding the original protection.

Step 6 - 6 to 9 months after the last cigarette
Anyone who has smoked for a long time will know that susceptibility to infection increases over time and that the body basically struggles with mild chronic bronchitis all year round. After only six to nine months, however, the damaged tissue has recovered to such an extent that the risk of upper and lower respiratory tract infections is significantly reduced, especially since pathogens feel at home primarily on damaged tissue.

Step 7 - 1 year after the last cigarette
After one year, the risk of suffering a stroke or heart attack has finally been halved from the starting point. Incidentally, the fact that there is no significant difference between men and women in terms of recovery time at this point is interesting.

Step 8 - 5 years after the last cigarette
Of course, smoking is not only associated with diseases of the cardiovascular system and the lungs, because numerous types of cancer are also promoted by the blue haze. The good news is that the risk of typical cancers such as lung cancer and cancer of the airways and esophagus has also been halved after just five years.

Step 9 - 15 years after the last cigarette
After a good 15 years, it is finally done, the body has recovered from the strain of constant poisoning to such an extent that the state of health settles at the level of a non-smoker. This period of time also brings the realization that even at the advanced age of 50 it is not too late to stop smoking, although of course the rule: "the sooner the better" applies. Regeneration is possible, but miracles are not Even though our organism is capable of amazing things, it cannot perform miracles, especially since some parts of the body are irreparably damaged by smoking. This is especially true for the skin, as it is in a permanent process of regeneration against external influences such as UV radiation anyway. It is therefore not uncommon for smokers to have skin that is a good 10 years older than the smoker in biological terms due to the additional stress. Reason enough, therefore, to quit as soon as possible or, best of all, not to start smoking in the first place.

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