All about essential fatty acids

Alles über Essentielle Fettsäuren

Fat is an important nutrient for our health and appearance. But not all fats are the same! It is always important to include the right fat in your diet to promote good health. When it comes to fats, a distinction is made between saturated and unsaturated fatty acids. This difference defines the difference in quality and the value of the individual fats. Low-quality fats are referred to as saturated fatty acids, which are mainly found in animal foods such as fatty pork, fried foods, sausage or butter. Too much saturated fat increases harmful LDL cholesterol in the blood, which in turn increases the risk of arteriosclerosis. High-quality fats are also called unsaturated fatty acids, which are divided into two categories: monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Monounsaturated fatty acids mainly lower LDL cholesterol. Polyunsaturated fatty acids are divided into omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids. We would like to briefly describe the essential fatty acids in more detail below.

Essential fatty acids

A special form of unsaturated fatty acids are essential fatty acids, which are vital for our body. Essential fatty acids are long-chain, polyunsaturated fatty acids. They cannot be produced by the body itself and must therefore be obtained from food. If not enough essential fatty acids can be absorbed, this can lead to serious malnutrition. Athletes in particular should make sure that their diet contains enough essential fatty acids, as fat-free or extremely low-fat diets can lead to an undersupply of essential fatty acids. Too few essential fatty acids in the body can lead to skin changes (calluses) or cause an increased susceptibility to infections. Hair loss, too few blood platelets or growth disorders can also be caused by a lack of essential fatty acids. Foods containing essential fatty acids should be protected from light, heat and oxygen in the home. Essential fatty acids are also important components of cell membranes and ensure that transport processes and other functions in the cell membranes can be carried out. The daily requirement of essential fatty acids is around 10 grams.

What functions do essential fatty acids fulfill?

Essential fatty acids are responsible for two important functions in our body:
1. functional effect
Linoleic acid can transform the important hormone-like substances eicosanoids. Eicosanoids are responsible for various cell functions, such as cell growth and cell regulation, clotting of blood platelets, maintenance of healthy skin, regulation of blood lipids and cholesterol, blood pressure or the maintenance of certain mental functions.
2. structural effect
Linoleic and linolenic acids are particularly needed to build and maintain the cell walls. As the cell walls lose their suppleness over time, this can lead to a functional limitation of the cell. With linoleic and linolenic acid, the cell walls remain elastic even in old age.

Where are essential fatty acids mainly found?

Essential fatty acids actually only consist of the double unsaturated linoleic acid and the triple unsaturated alpha-linolenic acid. Linoleic acids are found exclusively in plant foods. A lot of linoleic acid is found in the following vegetable oils:
- Safflower oil - round 74 %
- Sunflower oil - round 63 %
- Poppy seed oil - around 68 %
- Wheat germ oil - around 57 %
- Walnut oil - around 60 %

- Soybean oil - around 56 %

The so-called alpha-linolenic acid is mainly found in various vegetable oils and is particularly rich in Linseed oil.

Essential fatty acids are important for athletes

The essential fatty acids not only prevent many diseases, but also ensure that the body remains functional, which is particularly important for athletes. They are particularly useful for the regeneration and recovery of stressed muscles after a training session, as they can accelerate the conversion of lactic acid into water and carbon dioxide.

Below is a list of foods that contain particularly high levels of essential fatty acids:


- Safflower oil
- Soybean oil
- Sesame oil
- Sunflower oil
- Evening primrose oil
- Borage oil
- Blackcurrant oil

Seeds and nuts
- Soybeans
- Walnuts
- Wheat germ
- Linseed

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