All about the female orgasm - this you should know


How does the universe end? What was before the Big Bang? Should we walk or sprint when it rains? What is dark matter? Is the fine structure constant really constant? How does the female orgasm work? There are still plenty of unsolved mysteries in science. It is therefore a good thing that we have at least solved the mystery of the female orgasm. Orgasm can ventilate. So buckle up and learn what exactly happens in your body, how orgasm is possible even without sex and what you can do to reach orgasm.

What happens in the body during orgasm - Step by Step

Unraveling the mystery of the orgasm, at least to some extent, was not so easy, because how to describe something that feels indescribable? This question was also asked by some scientists. The solution is called "magnetic resonance tomograph", because with the help of this device it is even possible to make the activities in brain areas visible. Thanks to a large-scale study in MRI, we now know what happens during orgasm.

1 - Touching erogenous zones initiate orgasm
It all starts, of course, with gentle touches to the erogenous zones in the genital region but also to the nipples. These touches in turn activate the so-called "genital sensory cortex" in the brain, which is part of the parietal lobe of the cerebral cortex and, as the name suggests, is responsible for processing neuronal signals coming from the genital region.

From the fact that the "genital sensory cortex" is coupled with numerous "sensors" at the same time, it also follows that the orgasm can be initiated by stimulation at different points. The more different points are stimulated as soon as possible, the more intense the orgasm can be.

2 - The limbic system provides a spiral of pleasure
The nerve impulses generated by touching the erogenous zones cause increased activity in the brain. Via the "limbic system", which is responsible for processing feelings and drives, the feeling of pleasure is thus generated. This feeling is followed by the increased activation of other brain regions such as the hippocampus and the amygdala, also known as the affect center. In this way, a spiral is set in motion that makes you not want to stop stimulating.

3 - Tension build up in the whole body
Shortly before the actual climax, the brain begins to network numerous brain areas that are not coupled with each other in the normal state. For example, while the cerebellum puts the muscles of the buttocks, abdomen and thighs under tension, the prefrontal cortex in the frontal lobe, also known as the fantasy center, ensures that erotic fantasies are developed. The process is supported by the activation of the "anterior cingulate gyrus". This is responsible, among other things, for the transmission of various emotional and cognitive processes and thus increases the sensation of pleasure.

4 - The highlight
Once all the switching centers are connected, the hypothalamus also reaches the zenith of its activity. During this process, the hypothalamus releases a large amount of the hormone oxytocin, which is responsible for both the powerful contraction of the vagina and the explosion of sensation during orgasm. The oxytocin release is also responsible for making you feel like you want to jump for air. In addition, the reward center in the brain is activated at the same time and, quite incidentally, vast amounts of the happiness hormone dopamine flow through the body.

5 - After orgasm the lights go out
Well, what happens after the fireworks is quickly explained, but you surely know that best yourself. After all brain areas have fired from all pipes, so to speak, and you have enjoyed the contraction of half your body, the lights go out in the truest sense of the word and the happiness carousel is replaced by absolute relaxation. No wonder that now only cuddling is announced before it goes into the realm of dreams.

Orgasm without sex?- Yes, you can!
Now that we have clarified what happens in the body during orgasm, we can now deal with the question of how orgasm actually occurs. Through sex, isn't that clear? Not necessarily, because many women experience climax in other ways. And there are even several possibilities that have nothing to do with once.

Experience an orgasm while sleeping
It's not at all unlikely that you experience orgasms in your sleep on a relatively regular basis. More precisely, these occur during the dream sleep phase, the so-called REM sleep. Some studies have shown that many women experience increased blood flow and swelling of the vagina during the dream phase, which usually only happens during orgasm. Why you never noticed this? Well, you are dreaming and don't notice the actual orgasm. Often, all that remains is the memory of a particularly intense dream.

Sport can trigger orgasms
Sports are not only good for your health, but can also be fun for completely different reasons. At least, that's what researchers at the University of Indiana found out as part of a large-scale study. However, there is no universal solution for an "orgasm workout", because the exercises to which the 124 women responded were quite different. It is only assumed that an increased strain on the core and pelvic floor muscles is responsible for the athletic orgasm.

The orgasm - FAQ

1 - Do women actually have a harder time reaching orgasm during sex than men?
Even though many men find it hard to believe, this is actually the truth. According to medical experts, problems with orgasm are the second most common sexual problem. Every second woman even reports that she does not reach orgasm at all during sex with her partner.

2 - Why do women have a harder time reaching orgasm during sex?
One of the most common causes is the lack of relaxation during sex. Many women are generally much too tense and even during sex with their partner have a big problem with allowing a certain degree of loss of control over their body. Unfortunately, this feeling is mostly subconscious and is usually not noticed. On the other hand, it is often also due to a too high expectation and fixation on the orgasm. This form of tension also takes away your relaxation.

3 - Why do I orgasm more often alone?
The fact that you climax more often and more reliably alone is due to two things. On the one hand, you know your body better than anyone else. Unlike your partner, you know 100 percent where and how to touch yourself to climax. On the other hand, the fear of losing control in front of your partner again plays a role. Many women simply feel uncomfortable with the idea of getting out of control in ecstasy in front of their partner. Therefore, it is easier to come when really no one is watching.

4 - Do experienced women orgasm more often?
Definitely! That's what a study by the University of California shows. The study found that women over 80 are much more satisfied with sex than younger women - especially women under 30. As the head of the study explains, this effect is probably due to the fact that older women are generally more relaxed about sex because they no longer have to prove anything to anyone.

5 - Is it easier to reach orgasm with particularly masculine men?
Orgasm is influenced by many factors. It is therefore obvious that the attractiveness or masculinity of the sex partner also has an influence on the orgasm. As a study by Pennsylvania State University shows, women orgasm more often than average with particularly good-looking men with broad shoulders and masculine features.

6 - Where in the world do women have the most orgasms?
Whether it's the good weather, temperament or genes, women from southern Europe actually have the most orgasms during sex. Here, Spanish women are ahead of Italians with just over 52 percent, 48 percent of whom stated that they almost always have an orgasm during sex. Just behind the women from the Iberian Peninsula in second place are the Mexicans with 51 percent. German women rank in the average range with just over 30 percent. The frequency of orgasms, on the other hand, is far below average in China at 13 percent and in Japan at only 11 percent.

7 - What helps when I can no longer reach orgasm?
The first tip is: talk to your partner about the fact that you can't reach orgasm and don't bottle up the problem. If you brood too much, you quickly get into a vicious circle of doubts and pressure, which makes everything even harder. Often it is also very helpful to cuddle once again before sex and then move on to foreplay after the exchange of caresses. Here, too, you should take your time and exchange salacious thoughts with your partner to slowly get up to temperature.

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