10 things female strength athletes do but would never admit to

Strength athletes

We female strength athletes have a special status in the gym per se, which doesn't exactly make life and training any easier for us. Even if we try to adapt to male-dominated behavior, we all have a few idiosyncrasies that also affect our private lives. You too will find that you have done some of the following things at least once, even if you don't like to admit it publicly. But you know what? It affects us all!

1 - Completely overdoing it during training

As women are already a minority in weight training, the desire of many female athletes to make a name for themselves in the gym is not exactly small. Whether this is done to prove something to their own ego or to the musclemen present remains to be seen. The bottom line, however, is that it is not uncommon for this desire to culminate in training with far too much weight, which results in the athletes in question being afflicted by a hellish muscle ache in the days that follow. But if you want to be beautiful, you have to suffer.

2 - Complaining about calluses on your hands

You know, of course, that calluses on your hands are as inseparable from strength training as the combination of rice and turkey. Nevertheless, in the presence of your friends, for some unknown reason you feel drawn to moan about these same calluses and show them off like war scars. The intention is clear, because you want to prove to everyone that you are a real beast in the gym.

3 - Having disparaging thoughts about the appearance of other exercisers

Let's be honest, how many of us women can refrain from criticizing the appearance or behaviour of other women, sometimes with a hefty thought process? That's right, none of us. It is obvious that this pattern of behavior is not a phenomenon that is left on the doorstep of the gym. In fact, these processes are even more dominant between the stepper and the weight bench. The explanation is as obvious as it is trivial, because the gym is the perfect place to make comparisons and criticize the physical form of the competition to your heart's content. Purely internally, of course.

4 - Want help from a cute trainer

You are already very experienced and naturally know how complex exercises such as squats, deadlifts and bench presses work. If anyone certainly doesn't need help from a trainer, it's certainly you. However, as soon as you spot that one cute trainer who seems to be having one of his first days on your turf, you feel the urge out of the blue to have him check your form on squats or assist you on bench presses.

5 - Constantly trying to convert your girlfriends to iron

You are one of the women who has realized that weight training is a wonderful thing. This fact motivates you to keep trying to persuade your friends to start training on the iron too. No matter how subtly you try to achieve success in this regard, it just won't work. It doesn't help to say that no woman in the world will mutate into a Russian shot putter with a little strength training.

6 - Perform a happy dance after the last repetition of the workout

You would never admit it, of course - but just between you and me - at the end of a hard workout, you too would love to do a happy dance to demonstrate to everyone present that you have once again completed an absolute monster workout. However, in most cases, this is just a pipe dream, as such a dance of joy would admittedly seem a little strange in the company of half the gym. Accordingly, your joy is often discharged on the way to the underground parking garage. After all, nobody sees you there.

7 - emitting grunting noises during training

When you're in company, you never tire of complaining about the disgusting noises male recreational athletes make when exerting themselves. However, once you're trapped in the mental workout tunnel yourself while trying to set a new personal bench press record, you realize for yourself the power that hearty grunts and snorts can unleash.

8 - Being annoyed when male friends chime in with their expertise

Just because you're a woman doesn't mean you don't know anything about training. Consequently, it annoys the hell out of you every time one of your male acquaintances texts you with his bro science and tries to lecture you with all his might. However, if you were well-mannered, you would never tell him that he can save himself the trouble of giving flat lectures. You just listen and think for yourself.

9 - Feeling the inner urge to distribute a truckload of room spray in the gym

Gyms are generally not places where you can expect heavenly scents, which is of course mainly due to the air being saturated with sweat and testosterone. So you can't be blamed for sometimes feeling the urge to spray the gym generously with room spray.

10 - Wondering about certain training practices

Of course, you know from your own experience that strength training can degenerate into something of a science. Nevertheless, you are always amazed at some of the training methods that are practiced, especially by some self-proclaimed professional bodybuilders. If everyone was as strict and serious about training as you are, the world could be so simple - but it's not.