8 high quality protein snacks

Protein Snacks

A sufficient protein intake is essential for achieving athletic goals in the fitness sector, regardless of whether this involves building additional muscle mass or reducing body fat as part of a calorie-reduced diet. A wide variety of protein sources ensure that our body is always supplied with vital amino acids, which are needed to maintain metabolic processes and build new tissue structures. In this context, the quality of protein sources is particularly important, as the human body is not able to process every type of protein equally efficiently. Against this background, many exercisers often have the problem of meeting their daily requirement of around two grams of protein per kilogram of body weight with the help of high-quality protein sources. With this in mind, in this article we present eight high-quality protein sources that you can use to conveniently meet your needs on the go.

1 - Jerky

Not least due to its high salt content and industrial processing, classic beef jerky is not seen in a good light by large sections of the fitness community. Due to the ongoing fitness wave and the improvement of industrial processes in recent years, numerous manufacturers have launched alternative products on the market that use significantly less salt and undergo only minimal processing. In addition, 100 grams of this hearty treat, which is available in numerous flavors, contains around 33 protein with a calorific value of just 70 kilocalories, making jerky ideal for use during a diet.

2 - Protein powder

Especially if you have problems covering your daily protein requirements with solid food, it can be worth buying a high-quality protein powder so that your body is ideally supplied with amino acids in any case. Even if you don't have time to eat, protein powders allow you to cover your needs, as you can simply mix them with a little water in a shaker to make a delicious drink. As a result, you not only benefit from the fact that you get a concentrated protein boost in a timely manner, but also from the fact that there is now a suitable product on the market for every taste.

3 - Hard boiled eggs

Hard-boiled eggs are an excellent source of protein for in-between meals, as they have a high biological value and can be kept in the fridge for up to 5 days after cooking. Eggs are also a versatile food that can be used, for example, to refine low-protein salads. An average egg has around 80 calories and contains 6 grams of protein and 5 grams of fat, although it should be noted that the fat it contains is high-quality fatty acids that your body needs for various physiological processes.

4 - Mini protein pancakes

Portable protein pancakes are an excellent way to quickly consume high-quality protein on the go. You also benefit from the fact that the variations you can try are almost endless, so you can customize this delicious protein snack to suit your preferences. If you don't want to use protein powder to make the pancakes, you can replace it with a mixture of egg white and cottage cheese.

If you're in a hurry, our delicious pancake mix in 3 tasty varieties is ideal:

  • Protein Pancakes
    " A ready mix for making protein pancakes. In no time, light and airy, very tasty pancakes are created, which have about 50% less sugar & fat than normal pancakes. One serving contains 24g of protein."
    • Protein Mug Cake
      "Our Mug Cake is a delicious mug cake that can be prepared in less than 2 minutes - naturally high in protein. One portion contains 24g protein! A last-minute mug cake packed with protein! One portion contains a whopping 24 g of protein and only 6 g of fat (per 100 g). With these values, the mugcake can easily keep up with protein bars!"
    • Protein muffins
      " Ldelicious protein muffin mix. Preparation is child's play and the fluffy muffins bake away in the oven in no time at all. The Lemon Choco Splits flavor is a real taste sensation - simply heavenly delicious!"

    5 - Ready-to-go drinks

    By far the most convenient way to consume high-quality protein is to use ready-made drinks, such as those offered in many gyms, as these offer you the opportunity to consume high-quality protein whenever you need it, as you don't even have to mix them yourself and therefore save time. In this context, however, you should be aware that not every drink on offer is necessarily suitable as a valuable source of protein, as they often contain large amounts of added sugar and fat. You should therefore read the label and only choose ready-to-drink products that are compatible with your diet.

    6 - Kefir

    Kefir is an excellent alternative to classic yoghurt and has similar snack qualities to ready-made protein drinks due to its liquid consistency. In addition to an average of 10.5 grams of protein per portion, kefir contains various probiotic cultures that have a positive effect on your digestion.

    7 - Protein bar

    If you are often on the go, protein bars are an ideal solution to cover your protein requirements. Bars not only offer the advantage that you can eat them whenever you are hungry, but also have the invaluable advantage that they come in countless flavors, so there is always plenty of variety. Meanwhile, manufacturers have also adapted to the various trends within the fitness community, so that there are now even bars that are ideal for a low-carb or gluten-free diet.

    8 - Roasted edamame

    Edamame are soybeans that have been harvested before they are fully ripe and then roasted. One hundred grams of these roasted soybeans contain around 11 grams of protein, making them an excellent protein-rich snack. Edamame are also a valuable source of fiber, vitamins, minerals and trace elements. When buying, however, you should make sure that the product you choose is not salted. If you cannot find such a product, you can also roast edamame at home with olive oil.

    Protein low carb bread

    The Protein Low Carb Bread Mix is a low carb bread dough baking mix with a high protein content. The delicious, fluffy bread can compete with any conventional bread and boasts top nutritional values.

    Protein low carb bread