Interval Training for Fat Burning - Low Effort, Big Results

Intervall Training

You want to work effectively on your body fat percentage, but don't feel like doing cardio for hours on end? [...] Interval trainingHigh Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is exactly what you are looking for. Studies have shown that this form of training boosts your fat metabolism much more efficiently than classic steady-state cardio. We tell you what is important for successful HIIT training, how it works and what you need to pay attention to.

How does interval training work?

High intensity interval training is a form of training for the cardiovascular system that consists of high-intensity intervals and short recovery intervals. Using running training as an example, you can imagine it as a combination of longer sprints and short trotting phases.

In training practice, the high-intensity intervals are usually around 30-40 seconds long. These are followed by recovery intervals of 15-30 seconds. The optimum ratio of high-intensity intervals to low-intensity intervals depends primarily on your training experience.

The more experienced you are or the more resilient your body is, the shorter the recovery intervals can be. As HIIT training is much more intensive than normal cardio training, the usual training duration is only 15-20 minutes. You won't be able to do much more - otherwise you won't have given your all during the intervals.

Breaks are part of HIIT training

Recovery intervals are more important than you might think. If you don't stick to them, you'll be doing the training wrong and will have little success. The point of interval training is that your body learns to work variably and to efficiently manage the change between high and low heart rate zones.

This alternation between maximum exertion and rest is an excellent cardio workout. Accordingly, the recovery heart rate is a very accurate measure of your fitness. The faster your heart rate drops after exercise, the fitter you are.

More body fat loss in less time

Several studies prove the efficiency of interval training in terms of fat burning. A Canadian study from the 1990s is particularly astonishing. At that time, it was found that study participants who carried out HIIT training lost significantly more body fat during the study period than those who carried out conventional cardio training. What was particularly surprising was that the calories consumed during the actual training were a good twice as high with conventional cardio training.

This result was recently confirmed again by a study published in the "Journal of Obesity". In addition to a greater reduction in body fat and an increase in aerobic performance, this study also confirmed that the HIIT test subjects built up a significant amount of muscle. And all this even without a change in diet. But why is it that you lose more body fat with a significantly shorter workout that also burns fewer calories?

Secret to success afterburn effect

The magical effect that melts body fat is called the afterburn effect. This effect is a consequence of the fact that you stress your body at a very high intensity level for a long time during HIIT training. Put simply, your body consumes more energy and oxygen during this exercise than it can provide through normal metabolic processes. This creates what is known as an oxygen debt.

Your body first has to repay this debt after training. While the body does this, the metabolism runs at a higher level. Depending on the length and intensity of the workout, this afterburn effect can last up to 48 hours. This means that your body burns more calories than normal in the 48 hours after your workout. Even if this is only a few percent, the additional consumption is clearly measurable.

6 unbeatable benefits of interval training

  • You don't need a gym for HIIT training.

  • HIIT is flexible. You can do it with equipment and bodyweight exercises or while running, cycling and even rowing.

  • You burn more calories or fat through the afterburn effect.

  • The training can be easily adapted to your fitness level thanks to the interval length.

  • Compared to conventional cardio training, you burn more fat in less time.

  • The high intensity and variability of HIIT training strengthen your most important muscle: the heart.

What you should definitely bear in mind during HIIT training

One thing is important: interval training is not a form of training for every day due to its enormous intensity. These high-intensity workouts not only put a strain on your muscles, but also on your central nervous system (CNS). Both 'systems' need to recover before you can put them under stress again. So give your body at least 48 hours' rest after interval training. Two HIIT units per week are therefore absolutely sufficient. Anything else increases the risk of overloading and overtraining.

Interval training is only half the battle

The high level of exertion leads to several findings. First and foremost, interval training is only half the battle when it comes to comprehensive fitness. Because even if HIIT trains your cardiovascular fitness well and melts body fat in a minimum of time, conventional endurance training is also part of a healthy training concept.

Not even sprinters only train sprints or according to the HIIT principle. Long endurance sessions are just as important for achieving real endurance and a healthy, strong heart. So always plan your training with a mixture of both approaches.

How exactly the composition is ideal also depends on your training goals. If you are basically an endurance athlete (e.g. runner or cyclist), you should use interval training as a supplement to normal cardio training. If, on the other hand, you are a sprinter or want to optimize your body fat loss, the opposite rule applies.

Who is HIIT training not suitable for?

Interval training is an effective training method that allows you to save time and promote fat loss efficiently. Due to the enormous intensity, the training is only suitable for you if your health is optimal and you are 100 percent resilient. HIIT training is not suitable for you, especially if you suffer from cardiovascular problems, as the peak load could lead to health problems.

Before you do interval training using the HIIT principle for the first time, you should have a check-up with your doctor. For example, performance diagnostics are ideal, as part of which you can push your body to its limits under the supervision of a sports doctor. This way you will also know your limits during daily training.

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