Cravings: What triggers them and how you can fight them


Craving is annoying. Wouldn't it be nice to go out to dinner, order a salad and some delicious ingredients and feel good? Do you like going out dancing with friends without your mind constantly being in your kitchen and on the next delicious sandwich? Unfortunately, this feeling is omnipresent.
Are you feeling the urge? Here are the top three reasons for your cravings:

1. hyperthyroidism: too many hormones

The so-called hyperthyroidism can cause a constantly persistent feeling of hunger. In such a case, the thyroid gland is overactive and permanently sends hormones into the bloodstream at high speed, which leads to the increase of metabolism and increased energy burning. At first moment this sounds positive, but a second effect of hyperthyroidism is the triggering of intense cravings. They can become violent and cause symptoms such as anxiety, comparatively heavy sweating, and changes in hair and periods. If this is the case with you, it is imperative that you see a doctor.

2. industrially processed food

Supermarket shelves are teeming with unhealthy foods such as frozen foods, convenience foods, white bread, candy and cookie products of all kinds. This food contains additives that are supposed to make you want more. In particular, the unnecessary addition of sugar causes abrupt spikes in your blood sugar levels. This results in harmful insulin spikes and an increased readiness of your body to store fat in its depots. Remove industrially processed foods from your diet.

3. increased metabolism

Some people naturally have an increased metabolism. They burn calories faster and need to replenish their energy tanks more frequently. It is estimated that 32 % of people have a higher than average metabolic rate.
In principle, this is a good prerequisite for a lifelong slim body. After a certain age, the metabolism slows down. Anyone who then maintains a high calorie intake runs the risk of becoming fatter. On the other hand, the pounds are quickly shed again, because people with a naturally faster metabolism achieve success sooner through sporting activities.

How do cravings develop?

The feeling of hunger is a signal from your body. It demands nutrients. Your insulin level plays a major role in their creation and processing. Carbohydrates with a high glycemic index, which are quickly released into the bloodstream, cause blood sugar levels to rise. The faster the process, the more rapidly the level drops again. One of the main culprits is sugar. As a result, you have a strong craving for more food.
Another factor is your psyche. If you are bored, frustrated or stressed, this will encourage food cravings. You probably know this. When you're alone at home watching TV, the desire for something sweet comes "as if by itself". If you are getting fatter or have been overweight for a long time, you have probably made these binge eating attacks a habit.

Do crash diets increase the risk of cravings?

Short-term dietary changes with significantly lower calorie amounts cause your body to go into alarm. It automatically switches to economy mode during longer breaks in eating. Severe bouts of ravenous hunger are the result. In this way you can not only get the famous JoJo effect, because after the diet your organism does not use the increased energy supply for burning, but converts the calories into fat and stores them in the depots as a precaution for renewed shortages. In some cases, these extreme dietary excesses lead to eating disorders that require therapeutic treatment.

How do you combat acute cravings?

Your countermeasures depend on the cause (see above). If you have not eaten for a long time, it is not ravenous hunger. Then you simply need food. You should avoid sugary foods and skip foods with high amounts of unhealthy fatty acids. In particular, the combination of fast carbs and bad fats is the main reason for obesity, according to recent studies. Skip the sandwiches and candy bars. Instead, reach for real fillers that are high in protein and slow, complex carbohydrates.
Eating doesn't mix with watching TV because you wouldn't be on your game and you'd eat too much.
Don't be afraid of not being able to stand up to the attacks. Distract yourself. Cravings last an average of fifteen minutes. If you don't give in right away and find something else to do, your appetite will go away on its own. You can stimulate your taste buds and chew gum or brush your teeth. This often helps.
If you can't fight the craving for something sweet, use a little trick. For example, take a small piece of chocolate and stash the rest of the bar (loosely based on the saying, "Out of sight, out of mind.").

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