Why men like round curvy butts

Warum Männer Runde

When it comes to surveys on the street about what men find most attractive in women, the answer is usually very clear. Sorry, dear women, even if you hope that your sparkling eyes or your enchanting smile will take a top position, they are far behind your breasts, stomach and bottom. It is therefore hardly surprising that the men surveyed all cited a curvy bottom as the ultimate. Evil tongues would claim on the basis of such clear results that men are primitive and superficial creatures, which is sometimes true, but it's not too bad, because they can't help it.

A journey into prehistory

In order to avoid falling into clumsy stereotypical thinking with the help of countless clichés at this point, we want to shed light on this issue from a scientific perspective and thus put it on a watertight academic foundation. US scientists at the University of Texas set themselves the goal of finding out why men attach so much importance to a woman's bottom and are literally attracted to it, and got to the bottom of the matter meticulously. The researchers worked closely with anthropologists during their investigation and were quickly able to track down the origin of the magical attraction of the butt, because it is basically a remnant from ancient times when we humans still roamed the world as hunter-gatherers. At this point, we can literally hear the "aha" murmur from the readers as confirmation of the man's primitiveness, but we should refrain from jumping to conclusions, because the butt affinity of Stone Age hunters was absolutely essential for survival.

The butt as an indicator of vitality and survivability

In order to understand this aspect, we first need to understand what exactly makes an attractive bottom in the eyes of men, because not all bottoms are the same. As scientists have discovered, it is specifically the roundness of the buttocks that has appealed to men since time immemorial and subconsciously signals that this must be a woman who is particularly well suited to starting a family. To understand this, we need to consider the reality of life for our ancestors, who thousands of years ago roamed the land as nomads in all weathers, covering long distances. It was therefore particularly important that a pregnant woman was able to cope with the hardships of nomadic life without major difficulties. Particularly important in this context was a special curvature of the spine in the area of the lumbar vertebrae, which enabled women of the time to carry the weight of their pregnant bellies as well as possible.

Pragmatic benefits vs. superficiality

The optimal curvature of the spine, which also gives rise to the characteristic curvy shape of the buttocks, is around 45 degrees, measured just above the buttocks. This ideal anatomical feature was not unjustifiably attractive, especially in those days, as it guaranteed that serious back problems were less likely to occur. Back problems often meant death for members of a nomadic clan, as they could no longer keep up with the others and were often left behind. So who could blame our ancestors for following the laws of evolution when choosing a mate and selecting the partner who was most likely to carry the offspring to term based on anatomical characteristics? Fortunately, those days are over. What remains, however, are the evolutionary glasses that every man is born with and which are therefore always unconsciously put on. However, as we are no longer on the move and no longer have to feel threatened by sabre-toothed tigers, this (hopefully) still plays a role for very few when it comes to family planning.