7 facts about cellulite worth knowing

7 wissenswerte fakten über cellulite

When we use the term Cellulite the first image that appears in our mind's eye is certainly that of an older woman and not that of a well-trained athlete. However, contrary to what it seems at first, young athletic women are also very often affected by orange peel skin. Because of this, we would like to present you 7 interesting facts about orange peel skin in this article, which will help you to deal with the problem in the best case.

Fact 1 - The problem is not directly related to the body fat percentage

The appearance of the widespread cellulite is in no way directly connected with the increase in body fat, because this only causes an increase in the volume of the fat cells or the multiplication of the fat cells. The cause of the unsightly dimples is often a genetically determined weakness of the connective tissue, which can cause fat cells to shift and become more or less visible in different places.

Fact 2 - Orange peel skin is more common in women than in men

Of course, it is not necessarily fair that women are affected by orange peel skin significantly more often than men, but the cause is not the malignancy of nature, but simply evolution, which has given the connective tissue of women a different cell structure. The collagen structures found in the connective tissue of men, on the other hand, are arranged in an x-shape, so they prove to be much more stable. However, it should also be mentioned that the parallel collagen structures of women are responsible for the extraordinary softness of the skin, which should literally smooth the waters between the sexes again a little.

Fact 3 - Over-the-counter products can provide relief

If you are looking for over-the-counter products to fight cellulite, you should look for products that contain retinol or caffeine. The effectiveness of such products is based on the stimulating properties of the two substances. Caffeine in particular, in its role as a natural stimulant, ensures the promotion of local blood circulation, which also increases the supply of nutrients to the connective tissue, which primarily has a positive effect on the regeneration of cells and gives them additional stability. Scientific studies also show that the regenerative effect of caffeine can be optimized if an ointment containing retinol is applied beforehand.  

Fact 4 - There are effective remedies

Away from classic creams and tinctures from the drugstore, some procedures have also become popular in the recent past, which have the potential to eliminate organ cellulite for years. Currently, the most common treatment method is the Cellulaze procedure based on laser technology, which attacks the structure of cellulite and stimulates the strengthening of the collagen structures of the connective tissue. However, the catch is that this treatment method costs several hundred to several thousand euros, depending on the size of the area to be treated, and is accordingly not affordable for everyone.

Fact 5 - Exercise can reduce the appearance of orange peel skin

Of course, with the help of sports it is not possible to change the structure of connective tissue, but what is possible is the reduction of the body fat percentage, which makes the underlying weakness of the connective tissue much less apparent. In this context, High Intentisity Interval Training (HIIT) is particularly suitable for improving the problem of orange peel skin.

Fact 6 - Just because you lose weight does not mean that the orange peel skin will disappear.

As already mentioned, the cause of the problem is much more complex than many assume. Not least because of this, it is important to understand that reducing the body fat percentage in itself is also not a definitive solution. Rather, a combination of different approaches is necessary to get rid of cellulite in the long term. In this regard, blood circulation-promoting measures and products in combination with strength and endurance training as well as a balanced diet have proven to be effective. However, no procedure currently promises a guarantee.

Fact 7 - UV radiation can aggravate the problem

If you suffer from orange peel skin, you should know that UV radiation can aggravate the problem, as it can further damage the collagen structures in the connective tissue. To avoid aggravation of the obvious symptoms, you should always make sure to use sunscreen with an appropriately high UV filter, especially in the summer months.

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