7 signs that he is the man for life

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Even if various TV series constantly tell you that it is not that difficult to find the man for life, in practice the attempt is usually much more challenging than initially thought. As a result, it is not uncommon for you to go from disappointment to disappointment over the years and increasingly doubt yourself. The stories that real life writes are usually not as fairytale-like as those on TV, which means that even relationships for life sometimes have a longer lead time.

1 - You don't have to pretend to him

It's obvious that you've found the man for life when he accepts you for who you are in every situation, regardless of whether it's a good or bad day. In his eyes, you are always the wonderful person you really are, even if you are in a bad mood. He also understands when you don't feel like doing anything and just want to spend a day on the sofa with him in your jogging clothes and messy hair. With a man for life, you can just be yourself.

2 - When you're happy, he's happy too, and vice versa

He is the best possible partner for you because he makes you happy in a way that you would never have experienced or even expected before. The man of your dreams always wants the best for you and acts accordingly, even if this means he has to cut back at times. In order to achieve the greatest possible benefit for your relationship, he always seeks to talk to you and relies on consistent planning and cooperation so that you can both achieve your goals under the umbrella of your relationship. You won't find him going it alone selfishly.

3 - Even at the end of a hard day, you just want to be with him

No matter how tired you are after a hard day at work, all you want in this situation is to spend time with your partner, because you'll always feel better with them than without them. He always has an open ear for you and your problems and gives you honest feedback, even if it's not always without well-considered constructive criticism. He knows how to motivate you and fill your life with new energy so that you won't want to do without him.

4 - Your mutual attraction is palpable

Whether physically, emotionally or mentally, on all these levels you are on an equal footing and fit together like a pot and lid. The bond between you is so strong that nothing is able to break the connection. Sometimes it even seems as if you are one. As a result, even the walk to the bakery together feels great. However, the attraction between you is not just limited to everyday platonic life, but also continues in bed.

5 - You want to share all your experiences with him

If you specifically include him in your future plans and can't even imagine a future life without him, you know you've found the right man. Whether it's joy or sorrow, you want to share everything in your life with him first and in return are genuinely interested in what he does outside of your relationship, whether it's his role in the football team, his favorite TV series or his model train set. Okay, maybe with the exception of the latter.

6 - He doesn't just listen to you, he knows what you really want to say

Not only does he always have an open ear for you, but he also has the ability to read between the lines and anticipate your emotions without you having to tell him all the time. He simply knows what you want to say, even if you can't or don't want to say it, which is worth its weight in gold for the harmony of your relationship in the future. This peculiarity strengthens your bond and aligns you with each other.

7 - He takes you as you are

You may be messier, louder and possibly a little crazier than other women, but this doesn't bother your partner, who accepts you just as you are. He also manages to get you to learn to love your own quirks that bother you. As a result, he has no problem taking you to his friends and proudly presenting you as the partner at his side. You're his dream woman, he's your dream man - it's as simple as that.

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