6 tips for a toned belly


Of the many physical goals in the wide world of fitness, achieving a six-pack is one of the most difficult. A defined, chiseled-looking abdomen doesn't come out of nowhere. To achieve it, you need a rock-solid plan.

Tip 1 - Eat smart

Nutrition is the most important piece in the "how to get a six pack puzzle". Even if you train your abs to become thicker and stronger, they won't be visible if your body fat percentage isn't low enough. If you want a firmer abdomen, you need to pay special attention to the foods you feed your body. Your body needs a certain amount of protein, fat and carbohydrates. Watch this very closely.

Try for example Carb-Cyclingto shed excess fat. Certain bodies respond better and burn fat more easily when you incorporate periods of high carbohydrate consumption into your diet. Everyone responds differently to a certain diet. While it may work for some, you need to find out for yourself if it works for you as well before incorporating it into your diet. Also, you should not eat processed convenience foods. Food, in our opinion, is something natural. Whole foods give you the fuel you need for your workouts and keep you fuller longer.

Except your Protein Shakes for the post-workout meal, you should throw everything that comes in bags or boxes in the trash. Only eat foods that have been grown on a farm or in the wild in the sun. For the shake, we recommend our Shape Shake, this additionally contains metabolism-stimulating ingredients such as Piperine and L-Carnitine.

  • All in one Shape Shake
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  • Omega 3
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  • L-Carnitine + Greente
    « A great combination combined in one capsule and very popular with people who would like to lose weight. Green tea extract (with high levels of EGCG) combined with L-carntine, which has been shown to be involved in energy production from fat.»

Tip 2 - Do mainly holistic exercises

Don't overtrain your abs. Instead, prefer to work them as part of squats, deadlifts or pulling exercises. Dedicated abdominal training is not mandatory if you choose exercises that train your body holistically. The abdomen is then always intensively involved. The push-up is also very well suited for this.

Remember one thing: If your abdominal muscles are not maximally loaded during such a workout, you are doing something wrong with the movement sequence. Such basic exercises require a lot of stability in the middle of the body. It's a killer workout for your abs without you even noticing. Conversely, this doesn't mean you can completely do without crunches, sit-ups, etc. Include them, but your main focus should be on the holistic exercises that, thanks to their large movements, boost your metabolism more intensively and thus ensure increased fat burning.

Tip 3- Breathe out evenly during the exercises

Many people make the mistake of holding their breath during exercise. The lack of circulating oxygen builds up pressure that makes you dizzy or lightheaded. If you breathe correctly and evenly while your body - especially its center - is working, you will be able to use much more force.

Your muscles need oxygenated blood to function properly. Take a deep breath before the movement and make sure to exhale evenly while doing crunches or lifting your body. This will force your abdominal muscles to contract. This will also allow you to better engage your internal oblique muscles, which are very important for your stability.

Tip 4 - Stretch your abdomen in the eccentric phase of the exercise

Concentric or positive movements are a very important part of your abdominal exercises. As with all other muscle regions, the eccentric or negative phases are even more effective. Stretch your upper body as you move it down. This allows you to engage more muscle fibers before contracting your abdominals as you lift. Look for equipment that can help you fully stretch your abdominal wall.

If you only contract your abdomen, using only a small portion of the movement, you will get mediocre results. By extending the contraction phase, you will pump more blood to the center of the body and achieve better results.

Tip 5 - Focus on your target muscle group

When you do your exercises, always be clear about the muscles you want to work when doing them. Quality is more important than quantity. Focus on contracting and stretching with each repetition. For example, if you were to just do the movements when training your lower abdominals, you will quickly distort them and let your hip flexor or upper abdominal muscles do the work.

This is an extra mental requirement that may sound annoying and silly. Once you get used to "connecting" your mind to your muscles, you'll notice a big difference in your workout.

Tip 6 - Vary your exercises

If you've done billions of crunches at the end of your workouts without leaving a visible impact, you should revamp your workout. Choose exercises that challenge you in a new way and use equipment or tools to increase the intensity.

For example, use exercise balls, medicine balls and a cable machine to complicate your abdominal workout. Additional weight will help you keep your abs in a constant tension, which will increase the effectiveness of your workout.

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Bundle tip for a toned abdomen

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