5 foods for fat burning


Anyone who is concerned with losing weight and burning fat knows from experience that certain foods are particularly suitable for burning fat. These certain foods are also called thermogenic foods. The so-called thermogenesis or heat production is the production of heat by the human metabolism such as from digestion or muscle activity. Especially during the digestion of food, a lot of calories are burned. Thermogenesis helps in weight loss because the calories needed for body heating are mainly taken from fat tissue. The following foods promote thermogenesis, which means that they are actually natural fat burners and are therefore perfect for weight loss.

1 - coconut oil

Coconut oil contains many unsaturated fatty acids, which means that these fatty acids have a particularly positive effect on your fat metabolism. Multi-chain fatty acids can be digested quickly and are therefore not stored unnecessarily long as fat reserves. You can use coconut oil for cooking, frying or as a substitute for butter in baking. Since coconut oil has a low melting point, it becomes liquid very quickly. Preparing meals with coconut oil makes meals much healthier and especially promotes your weight loss plan.

An oil with very similar properties is the so-called MCT oil. The MCT oil can not be stored by the body, so it is metabolized quickly and completely and provides additional energy. Since there is no storage, the body falls back on reserves that are not replenished. 

Fat without becoming fat! The ultimate cooking oil

MCT oil from FitnFemale® is an oil that is excellent during a diet to replace fats and cooking oils.

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2 - Grapefruit

A study conducted by the University of San Diego on 100 overweight subjects has shown that taking half a grapefruit about half an hour before meals can help you lose weight sustainably. The subjects lost an average of up to 1.5 kilograms of body weight in twelve weeks. Participants in a comparison group who did not eat grapefruit before meals lost an average of only 0.3 kilograms of body weight in the same period. A grapefruit also lowers insulin levels and keeps blood sugar levels in balance. When you eat a grapefruit, you burn more calories to digest that fruit than the grapefruit itself actually contains. That doesn't mean you'll lose tons of weight if you eat ten grapefruit every day. Health also means when you eat moderately and intelligently. A one-sided diet suppresses the important macronutrients and thus harms your body.

3 - Salmon and tuna

Tuna and salmon are types of fish that contain particularly high levels of protein and omega-3 fatty acids. The protein of fish meat differs from the protein of beef or pork mainly in that it is easier to digest. the polyunsaturated omega 3 fatty acids are particularly important because they cannot be produced by the body itself. In addition, they stimulate the production of leptin, which is also very important for fat metabolism. Taking fish oil from these types of fish helps the organism digest and process the individual nutrients. Mackerel, herring and sardines are also good sources of omega 3 fatty acids for the body.

Since "woman" often does not regularly get to take enough omega 3 from food, there is fortunately also the variant in capsule form. 1 capsule already covers the entire daily requirement.

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High quality omega 3 in capsule form

Other positive features

  • significantly supports the regulation of cholesterol metabolism and blood lipid levels.
  • helpful for concentration and during stress
  • for heart, cardiovascular system, eyes and brain
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4 - Green tea

Green tea is especially known for its ability to increase metabolism. An increased metabolism also promotes fat burning. Green tea contains the substance EGCG (epigallocatechin), which stimulates the nervous system without unnecessarily increasing your heart rate. Scientific studies have empirically proven that subjects who drank green tea in combination with certain sports activities burned more calories than those who exercised but did not drink green tea.

" If tea is not your "thing", there is also an alternative here. 2 capsules contain 1000mg L-Carnitine Tartrate, 400mg Green Tea Extract and 64mg Caffeine. "

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Combined with L-Carnitine

A great combination combined in one capsule and very popular with people who would like to lose weight. Green tea extract (with high levels of EGCG) combined with L-carntine, which has been shown to be involved in energy production from fat.

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5 - Lean meat of chicken, turkey or turkey

Lean and low-fat poultry meat has a very high thermogenic effect, as you burn off an average of about 30 percent of your ingested calories through meals during digestion. That's only slightly less than an intense strength training workout, in that you'll naturally burn a lot of calories through the strenuous exercise. Lean meat also contains a lot of protein, which can greatly help your muscle growth. In poultry meat, the fatty tissue is just under the skin, so meat made from pure muscle tissue is very lean, with about 1-7 percent fat. The protein content of chicken or turkey meat ranges from 17 to 25 percent. The cholesterol content of lean meat is 40 to 60 milligrams per 100 grams, while for poultry parts with skin it can rise to a total of 85 to 95 milligrams per 100 grams. Poultry meat provides high levels of B vitamins and iron, as well as copper, potassium and zinc.

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