45 tips & tricks for fat burning

45fat burning

In the kitchen

1 - Sufficient calories

It doesn't matter how often you eat. The only thing that matters is that you eat enough calories throughout the day to fuel your metabolism.

2 - No carbonic acid

Don't be fooled. Even diet sodas wreak havoc on your waistline. Instead, drink plenty of still water. The carbonation in fizzy drinks can cause water retention and bloating.

3 - Get more protein

Studies show that a diet high in protein leads to more fat loss and a slim figure. Protein builds muscle, increases fat burning and provides lasting satiety.

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4 - Exchange butter for olive oil

Cook with olive oil instead of butter to lower the intake of unhealthy fats and increase the intake of mono- and poly-saturated fats. These are known to boost metabolism and fat burning.

5 - Discover your love for fat

Fat burns fat. That's actually true. Put a piece of avocado on your sandwich or mix a small handful of nuts into your oatmeal.

6 - Have your green tea

The catechins in green tea increase the metabolic rate, reduce appetite and reduce belly fat. A hot cup of green tea after each meal also aids digestion.

7 - Eat nuts

When you are hungry, eat nuts and lose fat. Don't take too much. A small handful per day should be enough.

8 - Meals by numbers

Instead of the usual division, eat five or six small meals a day. Number your meals. It's not when you eat that's important. Eating something every two to three hours will keep your metabolism going.

9 - Grapefruit: The natural sweet and sour grapefruit

The low glycemic index of grapefruit makes it an excellent source of carbohydrates. Presumably, it also aids in the metabolism of fatty acids in the blood. Eat a quarter of grapefruit for breakfast.

10 - Don't shovel in too much

Measure out your servings accurately. If your plan calls for one scoop of protein powder, it should be one level scoop, not a heaping scoop.

11 - Enjoy yourself, but don't cheat

Allow yourself one or two cheat days per week. This will keep your mind healthy and your fat burning stable. If you don't overdo it, they won't hurt your plans either.

12 - Fresh rather than dried

Fresh fruits are much better and fill more. Dried fruit has a much higher sugar density.

13 - Eat smart

Carbohydrates are essential nutrients for your diet. It's not a good idea to skip them. Choose the slow carbohydrates with low glycemic index that provide sustained energy and are not stored as fat (whole grains, oatmeal, sweet potatoes, apples, blueberries, grapefruit, quinoa, etc.).

14 - Never miss a meal

It's not good to skip a meal. Your body expects the fuel every few hours. Otherwise, the metabolism slows down.

15 - Eat something before going to bed

Your last meal of the day should be within an hour of going to bed so you can provide nutrients for muscles during the night's recovery period. Have a meal of healthy fats, lean proteins and green vegetables.

At the gym

16 - Increase the intensity

If you think it was hard enough, it probably wasn't. Consciously train harder, faster, more actively, and reduce rest periods so you can burn more calories.

17 - Work with weights

At least three days of strength training per week will increase lean body mass and ultimately increase fat burning.

18 - Go jogging

According to one study, runners lose an average of 5.4 percent of their body volume during the course of a single race. Most of the fat is shed in the first half. Those just starting out in running will lose more fat than advanced runners. Incorporate three to four runs into your training week.
Increase: You can include interval units or integrate climbs.

19 - Train on an empty stomach

According to one study, a workout on an empty stomach increases fat burning for the same amount of power.

20 - Train between 60 and 80 percent

Training at sixty to eighty percent of maximum heart rate is ideal for maximizing fat burning and building aerobic capacity.

21 - Mach inline skating

Inline skating burns about 425 calories in 30 minutes. While you're burning fat, you're also working out your butt, hips, thighs and abdomen. Increase: Interval rides (1 minute full throttle and 1 minute easy).

22 - Plyos are a plus

If you've ever done a plyometric workout, you'll know how hard it is. The genius of plyos is that they burn a ton of calories while continuously challenging your body and mind. Vary the exercises per workout. Choose six or seven plyometric workouts and perform ten to twenty repetitions of each in immediate succession, with one minute rest between each set. Do a total of four to five reps.

23 - First strength training, then cardio

If you want to combine cardio and weight training, you should do the strength session first. That way, you can work harder when it counts in the gym and burn more fat afterwards. During strength training you use up stored carbohydrates, and during cardio you access fat reserves directly.

24 - Supersets

Kill two birds with one stone. Supersets, where two exercises are performed in succession without rest, build muscle and increase fat burning , because the time of muscle tension is significantly longer.
Increase: Do sets of three and train three exercises in a row without rest.

25 - Sprints

Move your cardio workout outside and do sprints. Perform sprints of twenty to forty meters and do twenty pop squats at the end. Between sprints, take a forty second break.

26 - HIIT

High Intensity Interval Training is the ultimate cardio workout for burning fat. You can modify all your favorite exercises and add HIIT standards. There's no rule, either. Do it however you want. A basic HIIT workout consists of one to two minute sessions.

27 - Speech forbidden

If you can talk or read a book while doing endurance training, it's not hard enough.

28 - Get in the ring

Boxers and other martial artists focus their training on the three minutes that a round lasts. Endurance, strength, stamina, speed and flexibility are trained. Do three exercises in direct succession without rest, each lasting one minute. After your three-minute round, you can rest for one minute. Try exercises like shadow boxing, jumping rope, crunches, jumping jacks, sandbag boxing or one of your favorite plyos. Do five rounds for a killer workout and optimal fat burning.

29 - Put on weight

Wearing a weight vest with 10 percent of your body weight while climbing stairs or running can increase calories burned and fat burned by eight percent.

30 - Be open

Use both types of cardio workouts alternately within a training week. Studies show that performing both HIIT sessions and "normal" cardio workouts most days of the week burns fat without overtraining.

31 - Propellant Sport

Finding a new hobby that you can enjoy is good for your social life and for your waistline. For example, tennis burns 272 calories in thirty minutes.

Useful helpers

32 - Your morning drink

Your favorite morning beverage can be the perfect pre-workout energy boost. The caffeine in your black coffee is just enough to boost performance and accelerate fat loss. 1 espresso or 1 cup of coffee contains between 50mg and 100mg of caffeine, depending on the variety. If coffee (in the morning) is not your drink and/or you prefer a small caffeine tablet with vitamins for skin and hair, Energy+ is for you. 1 tablet has 150mg of caffeine.

33 - Get the multis

Athletes need to supply their bodies with sufficient vitamins and minerals. Sometimes it is not enough what the food gives. Therefore, a supply of multivitamin and mineral supplements makes sense.

The following products are packed with vitamins and minerals and are especially for women.

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34 - Vitamin C and D

Vitamin C can help you burn more fat, while vitamin D can help you lose fat. Take 400 to 500 mg of C and 800 mg of D daily.

35 - Use flaxseed oil

Flaxseed oil is an excellent blend of omega fatty acids, making it ideal for optimizing your fat burning potential.

36 - Thermogenic supplements

Thermogenic supplements such as caffeine or the capsaicin from green tea increase the Metabolic rate and promote fat consumption. Tip: Our Pink Heat and Pink Fire get your metabolism going at full speed!

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37 - "Go all the whey. "

Whey protein shakes aren't just convenient. Studies also show how consuming whey protein before a meal and after a workout helps you lose weight and maintain muscle mass.

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38 - Glutamine

Taking supplements with five grams of glutamine twice a day will help you build new muscle mass and increase your fat loss.

In your life

39 -   Use every day

Instead of focusing on your long-term goal, take it one step at a time. Every completion of a training session is a reason to celebrate. Good idea: Get a calendar and mark every day you successfully trained. That way you can always see what went well and what went poorly.

40 - Think positive

Visualize your goal weight and your dream body. This is the only way. Then, when you think you've made it, you will. Positive thoughts lead to success. Make it a part of your life to think positive every day.

41 - Keep rules and times

You should go to bed and get up at the same time every day. The same applies to your meal times. Your body needs a set schedule to rest and recover optimally. These are the perfect conditions for weight loss.

42 - Sleep enough

According to one study, sleeping less than five hours and more than eight hours increases abdominal fat in an adult under 40.

43 - Use a food scale

A food scale to measure your food is a good tool to find the right amounts of nutrients per meal.

44 - Show what you have

If you wear figure-hugging clothes to the gym, it will boost your motivation to work out harder.

45 - Listen music

Exercise with your favorite music. It should have a good rhythm. You'll work harder and burn more calories while listening to techno or dance than when you're blasting the latest cuddly rock CD.

On the subject of fat burning, we have 3 packages, which in addition to the appropriate products also contain an intake plan, nutrition & training plan.

Weight loss combo packages incl. intake plans

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