17 summer problems that only women with sensitive skin can understand

17 Sommer Probleme

When summer approaches, most people can't wait to shed their clothes and tan their bodies in the sun. However, this is not true for everyone, because especially women with fair skin often face problems in this regard. In the course of this article, we would like to tell you about 17 problems that you have surely struggled with.

Problem 1 - You need to invest in a sizable supply of sunscreen

In the summer, you regularly have the problem of more than a quarter of your vacation money going to buy an adequate supply of sunscreen. Why isn't sunscreen actually offered free of charge as an act of charity?

Problem 2 - You often suffer from sunscreen acne

Due to the fact that your skin is hidden under a thick layer of sunscreen for almost the entire day, the likelihood of developing so-called sunscreen acne increases. The reason is that your skin cannot breathe properly under this greasy layer.

Problem 3 - Actually you always have to go to the beach fully clothed

You'll look in vain for free patches of skin on the beach. Every single square inch of your skin is hidden either by overhanging hats, big sunglasses or by scarves and silk sarongs. It seems like you have to take half your closet with you for a day at the beach.

Problem 4 - Freckles, everywhere these freckles

Every year you can watch the few freckles that you can count on one hand in winter multiply as if by magic and spread like an epidemic over your entire body. Sometimes you feel as if you are transforming into one big freckle.

Problem 5 - Your skin does not get even a little tan

You can twist it any way you want, you just won't get a tan. Not even a little bit. All that happens when you go out in the sun is that after a while your skin turns cancer red and in the worst case you burn your fur.

Problem 6 - You have to watch your skin peel regularly

Another problem that is inevitably associated with sunburn, the peeling of the burned layer of skin that comes off your body in sometimes more and sometimes less large shreds. You can't escape it no matter what you do. If only it would at least happen quickly.

Problem 7 - You have to wear hats in the sun all the time

Even though you wouldn't even dream of wearing hats or other headwear throughout the year, during the summer months they're one of those elementary assecoires that you hardly step outside the door without. Of course, some headgear can look quite fashionable, but the problem is that constantly wearing hats leads to nothing more than sweaty hair.

Problem 8 - You are extremely sensitive to moles in summer

Since you have very fair skin, you are particularly sensitive to any apparent or actual change in your skin. Every mole is scrutinized by you several times a day, because you are afraid of developing skin cancer. Be vigilant, but don't overdo it, you'll only spoil your vacation mood.

Problem 9 - You think you look like Marilyn Monroe in your sunglasses

Of course, there are few women who come close to the 1960s US star in terms of looks. But with your oversized hat, silk scarf and sweeping sunglasses, you could actually be mistaken for the screen legend on the beach.

Problem 10 - You can forget about self-tanner

Don't even think about trying to fake summer tan with the help of self-tanners, it won't work. All you will achieve by using such products is an orange-tinged skin tone. However, you will not become brown in any case.

Problem 11 - You have to cancel outdoor activities more often than you would like to

No matter how much you want to go to the quarry pond or on a long hike or boat trip with your friends, you'll have to cancel these activities more often than you'd like. However, if you do participate, you'll have to watch like a hound dog to take advantage of every bit of shade so your sensitive skin doesn't burn.

Problem 12 - You always have to know where the next shady spot is

As far as the sun is concerned, you are a true expert, because you always know exactly where the sun is and when the next shady spot is.

Problem 13 - Your blue veins show up especially well in your bikini

When you wear a bikini on the beach, it's not uncommon to be annoyed by the multitude of your veins, which stand out in a distinct shade of blue under your pale skin. The many lines, which resemble a road map in the broadest sense, certainly make the other ladies completely envious. Don't worry, there are worse things!

Problem 14 - Your extremely white skin always looks a bit limp in the sunlight

Isn't it totally mean that tanned people get a firmer appearance due to their slightly darker skin tone in the sun? You, on the other hand, are annoyed every year anew by the fact that your body, built up over the year of training, looks flabby rather than firm in the glaring light of the sun.

Problem 15 - Because you are so white, many people ask you if your vacation is cancelled.

How else could it be explained that you, unlike everyone else, come along completely without a sun tan? Just stay calm. Getting excited won't do you any good. You can also make up an adventurous story, such as that you went ice fishing in Antarctica or on a trip with sled dogs in Greenland.

Problem 16 - When you get sunburned, people ask you why you didn't put on sunscreen

At this point, we would just like to give you the tip not to freak out, but to keep your fists in your pockets. Violence is in no case a solution at this point. Besides, the resulting inconvenience would certainly spoil your summer mood.

Problem 17 - You can't get over yourself

Even if you don't get a tan and get sunburned easily, you shouldn't go and spend the whole summer in a quiet room. Just go outside and enjoy the beautiful days, because why should everyone else have fun and not you? Just be sure to apply sunscreen sensibly.

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