10 signs you're addicted to strength training

10 signs

So you're a strength athlete with a toned body and like lifting heavy weights? Yes, then that sets you apart from the majority of women out there. Find out what else sets you apart from them in the following article.

Signs 1 - Unusually, shopping is not one of your favorite pastimes

Even if it may sound very strange, it is true that strength athletes are much less likely to enjoy the city centers of this republic than women who are more of the cardio type. There is of course a good reason for this, because with strong thighs, a round bottom and a muscular back, there is hardly a piece of clothing that doesn't pinch or stretch at some point. So it's not uncommon for you to have to buy trendy trousers three sizes bigger because of your toned legs, which looks rather suboptimal overall.

Sign 2 - There are many people who want to touch your muscles

For many people, touching a rock-hard woman's biceps seems to be the equivalent of the obligatory touching of a pregnant belly. Many an athlete has lost count of how many times someone has asked to touch her muscles. No matter how often something like this happens to you, it always presents you with a difficult decision: should I laugh at him (or her) out loud and refuse or let a stranger touch me?  

Signs 3 - Everyone asks you if you take steroids

At the latest when you have been training for a few years and have already built up some lean muscle mass, you will often be asked by other women whether you are taking steroids. This may be a little flattering at first, as it confirms your performance, but the longer it goes on, the more annoying it becomes.  

Sign 4 - Having to wear clothes in "normal" sizes can sometimes be frustrating

Even in the life of a strength athlete, there are occasions when a well-groomed wardrobe is a must, so the comfy jogging bottoms have to stay in the wardrobe. Situations like this can make strength athletes' hair stand on end, because muscular legs rarely fit into a trouser suit.

Signs 5 - Every time you bend down, pay attention to your squat technique

Sooner or later, the training and the movement sequences you have learned will become so engrained in your subconscious that you will find yourself repeatedly paying attention to correct movement sequences in everyday life. This is especially true when you bend down to pick something up from the floor.

Signs 6 - A lot of people talk to you about it because you have so many bruises

Admittedly, training can leave considerable marks on your body, usually in the form of bruises. As a result, you will have to be prepared for the fact that you will often be asked about your "terrible" injuries, especially by women. Wear your bruises with pride, because the people who know how to interpret them will give you the respect you deserve.

Signs 7 - Your shoe fashion is changing rapidly

For purely practical reasons alone, you will want to refrain from hoarding heaps of fashionable high heels in your home. Even if your girlfriends don't want to understand this, the reason is obvious: a modest collection of three to five pairs of sneakers not only saves space, but also proves to be much more practical in everyday life.

Signs 8 - You take care to avoid things that have a negative impact on your training

If you really love sport and it has become an integral part of your lifestyle, you will find yourself avoiding things that could have even the slightest negative impact on your performance. You avoid breakneck activities with your friends so as not to injure yourself and even just sip mineral water with a squeeze of lemon juice in a bar at the weekend.

Signs 9 - You can carry all your shopping home on your own

It's nice to have help, but it's much better to be able to stand on your own two feet and not have to rely on anyone else. So make use of the muscles you have trained to carry ten full shopping bags up to the third floor on your own if you have to.

Signs 10 - You miss training when you can't train

You only realize how important training really is to you when, for whatever reason, you are unable to go to the gym for a while. Just as great as the longing, however, is the joy you feel when you pick up the iron again for the first time after a forced break.

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