Yes, I squat - with squats to top form


Like every year, we suddenly realize that the excess winter pounds are still sitting on our hips and we haven't really achieved our ideal bikini figure. To get your body in shape before the height of summer, full-body exercises are a must. Above all Squats, in German Squats,  train large parts of our body and can help you achieve perfect definition.

Pay attention to the correct execution of the squats

If you have not yet incorporated squats into your training plan, you should first familiarize yourself with the technique of squats. When training, always make sure that you perform the exercise correctly, otherwise you will achieve less success and damage your joints. To learn the squat movement, you can do without additional weight at the beginning. Then stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and shift your body's center of gravity to your entire foot. Your stomach and back are tensed and you are looking straight ahead. Now initiate the downward movement slowly and push your buttocks as far back as possible. Under no circumstances should your knees protrude beyond the tips of your feet and be pushed slightly outwards, otherwise you risk damaging your joints. The lowest point is reached when the hip joint is about the same height as your knee joint. Then start the upward movement, but don't push your knees all the way through at the end. If you want to perform the squats with a barbell, never rest it on the cervical vertebrae. Instead, hold the bar with your trapezius.

Why squats?

As already mentioned, squats work more than just one muscle group. You can save time and no longer train your muscles in isolation, which simply leads to better results. In particular, this exercise naturally trains your leg muscles. The greatest load is on the thighs, so your entire musculature is trained in this area. The constant body tension also works and strengthens the abdomen and lower back. For women, it is particularly interesting that the gluteal muscles also contribute significantly to the successful execution of the squats. You will also feel slightly sore muscles in your calves the next day.

In summary, it can be said that squats actually train all the muscles down to the navel. The workout covers and tones all of a woman's smaller and larger problem areas. So try to incorporate squats into your training plan.


Vary the plan!

Once you have gained some experience with squats, it is important that you introduce variety into your daily training routine. If you always do the same exercises with the same number of repetitions, you will only be able to make progress very slowly or not at all. You don't have to change the exercise directly, a small variation is often enough. One simple change is the front squat. Here you no longer hold the barbell on your back, but on the front of your body. You will notice that you have to stand much more stable and that your quadriceps are exposed to a higher load. Furthermore, you can bend deeper in the front squat without performing the exercise incorrectly, which creates additional effort.

The box squat is well suited for beginners. This emphasizes the lowering of the hips and takes tension off the knee. Place a stool or a small box behind you so that your hips are slightly lower than your knees when you sit down. For the downward movement, deliberately sit a little further back than usual. The upward movement is then identical to the normal squat. This exercise is also recommended for people with knee problems.
Almost every gym also has a safety bar on which you can perform squats. This takes the strain off your wrists and strengthens your core and torso a little more. The execution on the safety bar is very similar to the normal squat.

Squats train the majority of your body. They are easy to learn and can be performed in any gym. By adding variation to the exercise, you will quickly achieve amazing results. Your body will be toned, fat burned and muscles built up. But enough of the many words, it's best to start exercising right away!

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