You can ruin your workout with these 3 habits

Mit Diesen 3 Angewohnheiten Kannst Du Dein Training Ruinieren

Our everyday life today is usually dominated by stress. We rush from obligation to obligation and fret that the day doesn't even begin to have enough hours to accommodate all of these obligations and activities. Consequently, this affects our workouts as well, so we multitask even during this time period, trying to save time. It is not uncommon for these habits to have a negative impact on training success, which of course does not contribute to further motivation. In order to avoid these problems, we will present you with three habits below, which you should stop in any case.

Habit 1 - Texting and social media surfing during exercise.

The best thing about working out is actually that during this short period of time that you are in the gym, you can remove yourself from all the things in life that keep you busy and sometimes distract you. However, maintaining this state during your workout can be difficult at times. This is especially true if you don't lock your smartphone in your locker, but take it with you into the arena and don't even set it to silent. Every incoming message causes a seemingly irresistible beeping noise that, despite knowing better, tempts you to constantly pick up the device, write messages and scroll through social media, if only for a few seconds. The consequence of this addiction-like habit is that you don't really focus on your workout and sometimes take your breaks far too generously, so that the intensity of your workout decreases, which also reduces the achievable training effect. So if you're serious about achieving your goals, you'd better keep your smartphone safely locked away in your locker to avoid temptation.

Habit 2 - You always do the same thing in every training session

Obviously, you should follow a set training plan and stick to it for a long period of time. However, spending a monotonous 30 minutes on the treadmill every training day or doing the same exercises over a period of months can have a negative impact on the effectiveness of your training in two ways. On the one hand, the obvious monotony will cause you to have serious motivation problems, resulting in a willful or involuntary inability to perform at your maximum level, which is essential for continued progress. On the other hand, your body also gets used to the same kind of load over time, so that the adaptation response of the muscles and the central nervous system becomes less and less in relation to the training volume as the duration progresses. So to avoid this trap, you should always make sure that you are constantly providing new stimuli for your organism with the help of new exercises or intensity techniques.

Habit 3 - Your hydration level leaves a lot to be desired

It's not enough to just bring your water bottle to the gym, because you need to drink it during your workout in order to perform at your best. If you don't keep your body hydrated, you won't be able to train efficiently, which will affect your physical development in the long run. Remember: A water loss of only two to four percent already reduces your performance by a good 15 percent. To prevent this, it is recommended to drink at least half a liter of water per hour of exercise. During intensive cardio training, this requirement increases to up to one liter.

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