Why you should consume omega-3 fatty acids

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Unfortunately, many parts of society still believe that fat and a healthy diet are two incompatible components. However, the opposite is true, as polyunsaturated fats in particular, such as the Omega-3 fatty acids are essential for numerous metabolic processes. However, there is a crucial problem with these fats that makes them so valuable for our organism.

Why are omega-3 fatty acids so important?

Now one could actually assume that our body would be able to obtain omega-3 fatty acids from stored fat. However, our body is not capable of synthesizing omega-3 fatty acids from storage fat or other substances. Omega-3 fats must be obtained from food. It is not for nothing that omega-3 fats and various amino acids are classified as essential. In addition to hormone synthesis, these special fats are also responsible for regulating growth, healing wounds, promoting memory and strengthening the immune system.

Omega-3 fatty acids have additional benefits for women

Nutritional and medical studies by the US National Academy of Sciences and the American Heart Association have also revealed that the consumption of these polyunsaturated fatty acids has various other health benefits, especially for women. These range from lowering blood lipid levels and reducing the risk of sudden cardiac death due to coronary heart disease to preventing bone loss. Another interesting aspect is the improvement in fat and carbohydrate metabolism, which also has a positive effect on diabetes prevention. In addition to the anti-inflammatory effect, there is also an influence on mood, as these fats play a decisive role in the synthesis of mood-enhancing hormones.

What are good sources of omega-3 fatty acids?

As you can see, it is worth making sure you consume foods that contain sufficient amounts of omega-3 fatty acids. These are made up of the three components alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). As our body needs all of these fatty acids, but they are not contained in equal amounts in the corresponding foods, it is important that you eat a varied diet with regard to the supply of these polyunsaturated fatty acids.
So choose foods containing ALA as well as products that are rich in EPA and DHA. In addition to meat from cattle that have been fed exclusively on grass, foods containing ALA include walnuts, wheat germ oil and rapeseed oil. Good sources of DHA and EPA are oily sea fish (salmon, herring, mackerel, sardines) and seafood (shrimps, mussels).


So you can see how important it is to consume sufficient amounts of these particularly valuable fatty acids. If possible, you should cover the majority of your requirements through natural food. However, as this is not always 100% possible, you can also get some high-quality fish oil capsules as a backup, so to speak.

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Omega 3

Do something good for your body. OMEGA 3 contains high-quality fatty acids (fish oil) and provides your body with an optimal supply. It is not for nothing that omega-3 fats and various amino acids are classified as essential. In addition to hormone synthesis, these special fats are also responsible for regulating growth, healing wounds, promoting memory and strengthening the immune system.

Omega 3
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