Training and nutrition tips for beginners


All beginnings are difficult. In addition, motivation for long-term strength training is often not good in the first few days, weeks and sometimes even months. Before you start your first strength units, you should read through and internalize these important tips. This will help you avoid injuries, boost your motivation and get the most out of your workouts.

1. find your goal

It all starts with the goal you want to achieve with your strength training. Your entire training plan and the content of the individual sessions will be based on this. Do you want to gain more muscle, or is a lean and toned body important to you? If you want to look stronger, you will need to do fewer repetitions with heavier weights. For a slim and defined figure, more reps with fewer kilos is the right thing for you.

2. start slowly

Even if your ultimate goal is to lift as much as a weightlifter at the Olympics, you won't be able to lift anywhere near that much at the beginning. If you overdo it, you'll only risk injury. You should therefore start with low weights and perform the movements correctly. This way, you will slowly teach your muscles to cope with the effort.

3. increase the weights slowly

Increase the weights gradually. Don't increase too quickly. You will only injure your muscles. On the other hand, progressing too slowly is not good either. This also applies if your goal is a lean body. To make progress, you also need to continuously increase the weights during the long repetition units.

4. always stay in control of your actions

If you are using a heavier weight, you must always be sure and remain in control of yourself and your training equipment. You will quickly realize that you have taken too much weight if you lose control or if you support the movement execution with dangerous and swinging maneuvers. You should always be able to hold the weight in the starting position for at least one second between each repetition. Otherwise, you will have to lower the weight until you are strong enough. Don't worry, this is only a matter of time if you stick to these rules.

5. follow a program

If you really have no idea what to do in a gym, you should preferably follow a training plan that is suitable for beginners. You can find such plans on the internet and study them before you head to the gym. Alternatively, you can spend some money and hire a personal trainer.

6 Correct implementation is the key to success

It doesn't matter how you learn strength training. In any case, correct execution and correct posture during the movement sequences are two of the decisive factors. Which sequences are correct varies from exercise to exercise. In general, however, you should always keep your back straight and your abdominal muscles tensed. You must perform every single repetition correctly. Otherwise, you risk injury and perhaps even abnormal body development.

7. find a training partner

A training partner is very helpful when strength training. Firstly, he or she can help you. Secondly, you yourself are responsible, as you can also be asked for help. Thirdly, you won't feel alone among all the people who are much further along than you.

8. do enough stretching exercises

This point is often omitted. This is a serious mistake. Before and after your workout, stretch all your muscles that you will be using that day. This will improve blood flow to the muscles and reduce pain and soreness the next day.

9. don't forget the dumbbells

You don't always have to train with dumbbells. A workout with them is often better because you strengthen the stabilizers in addition to the intended muscles. You can also concentrate on the arm in question. Another advantage is that you don't need any support as you can help yourself with the second arm.

10. train your legs

Don't forget to include some exercises for your legs in your training. Squats, deadlifts or lunges are ideal. Many people mainly train their upper body and neglect their leg muscles. You, on the other hand, want to complete a holistic training program.

11. train alternately

You should not work the same muscle group on two consecutive days. The muscles need about 48 hours to recover. Divide your training into three main groups: upper body (shoulders, neck and back), core (biceps, triceps and chest) and lower body (legs and core (abdomen and lower back)). It makes sense to place the leg and trunk training between the units with arm exercises.

12. stick to your rest periods

Your muscles need to rest after training so that they can build up. Even if you alternate training - as outlined in point 11 - there will be overlaps. You can't do strength training 7 days a week. In the beginning, it should be every other day. Later on, you can train 5 sessions a week.

13. drink enough water

Your muscle tissue consists of 75 % water. It is therefore absolutely essential to drink enough before, during and after training.

14. eat a healthy diet

This is the most important point of all. Your diet is at least half of your success - if not more. Eat mainly healthy foods. A protein-rich diet is important for building muscle - and not just for that. Avoid sugar and unhealthy or saturated fats as much as possible. This does not mean not eating any calories. Your body works hard during training, so it needs a corresponding amount of fuel. This should only be healthy.

15. don't let yourself be intimidated

Don't be intimidated by the people strutting around the gym. You have the same right to train there. Just remember that these people also started out once. Most athletes are actually very helpful. You just have to ask them.

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