These 4 sins in the afternoon can prevent weight loss

Diese 4 Sünden Am Nachmittag Können Die Gewichtsabnahme Verhindern

You have set yourself the goal to lose weight? You have completely turned your life around and pay attention to a healthy diet? Do you exercise regularly? And yet you are not getting closer to your goal as quickly as you would like? This could be because you, like many other people, fall into one or two stumbling blocks that prevent you from achieving your dream figure. The following four sins could be responsible for your misery.

1 - Opportunity makes sweet tooth

Are you one of those people who don't really feel the urge to reach for chocolate bars, potato chips or ice cream? Then you certainly know the magical change of heart that takes place as soon as the sins in question find their way into the pantry or the office. Despite all discipline, there comes a point when the craving for sweets or salty treats becomes so great that you simply reach for them. In most cases, it doesn't stop at a few pieces of chocolate. In line with the motto "if you're going to do it, then do it", the whole bar has to be consumed, which of course is not exactly conducive to your goals. So what is the solution to the problem? Complete renunciation is not the answer, because at some point the craving becomes so great that it results in a real ravenous appetite. So it is better to integrate the enjoyment of sweet and salty foods into your nutritional concepts by including your sins in the calorie balance. As the saying goes, "The dose makes the poison."

2 - You neglect the daily exercise

You ride your bike to work, go for a walk in the city park during your lunch break, and find your way to the gym three times a week? That's already very commendable, but it's far from a justification for neglecting exercise for the rest of the week. In fact, for most people, activity decreases noticeably from the early afternoon onwards and they become increasingly lethargic instead. It's much better for both your energy level and your calorie balance to get regular exercise in the afternoon and evening. But you don't have to lace up your running shoes or do extra shifts at the gym. Simply exercising in everyday situations is enough. For example, you should get into the habit of getting up from your desk at least once an hour and taking a few steps. Alternatively, you can walk around while you're on the phone at home, take the stairs instead of the escalator at the mall, or take a midday walk each weekend. In any case, there are many ways to integrate more exercise into your daily routine.

3 - Calorie trap happy hour

The next big calorie trap is alcohol. What many people don't consider is the fact that alcohol, at around 7 calories per gram, contains significantly more energy than, say, carbohydrates at 4 calories per gram. This fact becomes especially dangerous for your slim line during happy hour at your favorite bar, which you frequent with your friends or work colleagues after work. Admittedly, one cocktail is not really bad yet. However, it usually doesn't stop at one drink, so the mix of sugar and alcohol can easily screw up half a week's worth of calories.

4 - You reward yourself with sweets

Perseverance is certainly the biggest hurdle in a diet. And so it is not surprising that many people reward themselves with sweets. In principle, this is not a bad idea, as consuming small amounts satisfies the need for sweets and thus reduces the risk of cravings. Far more problematic, however, is the fact that the calorie content of the "rewards" is usually significantly higher than the number of calories burned by the morning's sporting discipline. It's not uncommon for a bike ride to work, which burns 200 kilocalories, to be rewarded with a large Snickers bar that contains 250 kilocalories. It's obvious that this won't have a good effect on your goals in the long run.

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