The best training tips for women

Muscle building

There is an enormous amount of advice on how to achieve your dream figure. Which of them should you follow? Finding the right tips is not that easy. It's like looking for a needle in a haystack. A lot of things look really good on paper. The truth is revealed during training. Many training plans don't live up to the high expectations. You inevitably have to try out a whole range of different advice until you find the right one for you. Unfortunately, there is no one right way. For you, this means trial and error. You have to try it out. The two most important qualities here are patience and perseverance. They are the keys to success and your dream figure. You will have failures, but they should not deter you from your goals. These training tips are not the last word in wisdom. Use them for your workout. They will give you a few new ideas for your everyday training routine.

Let your butt burn

For many women, training the buttocks is particularly important. So it's all the more understandable if you want to keep trying out new exercises to strengthen your gluteal muscles. Squats and hip lifts are good exercises to include in your repertoire. Weight is very important in glute training. It is a mistake to think that training with low weights is a good idea. The more kilograms you lift, the stronger your glutes become. Start with squats. They train your hips and thighs as well as your buttocks. It's a comprehensive workout that can give you a lot of benefit. You can use the Smith tower to get more control. Alternatively, you can train with a barbell in the squat rack, or you can use two dumbbells that you hold at your side or place on your shoulders. Whichever variation you choose, always keep your back straight and distribute your weight evenly over both feet and heels. Lower your buttocks down until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Make sure your knees are always behind your toes. Tense your gluteal muscles throughout the entire movement phase. Keep your head straight and - if possible - look into the eyes of your reflection. This will prevent you from rounding your back.

The hip thrust is a variation of the butt bridge. You need a barbell bar and a horizontal back bench in front of which you sit down. Your feet are flat on the floor. Take the barbell with your weight on it and roll it over your thighs and into your lap. Now place your shoulder blades on the edge of the back seat. Now do the bridge and use your feet and buttocks to push your body into a horizontal position. Hold this position for five seconds before placing your hips back on the floor. Again, keep your gluteal muscles tensed during the entire movement phase.

Push your thighs to their limits

There are many exercises for the thighs. Their muscles are divided into three groups: extensors, flexors and adductors. A mixture that trains all three areas is best. A very good exercise is the lunge. You can perform it in many variations (forwards, backwards, to the side, with a barbell or dumbbell). Walking with lunges is very strenuous. You hold two dumbbells at your sides and walk through the gym with wide lunges. You will experience a further increase if you walk up a flight of stairs in this way. When doing lunges, always make sure you don't straighten your knees. Always keep them in front of your toes. Sumo squats are a very good exercise for your adductors. To do this, place your two feet as far apart as you know them from sumo fighters. Armed with a dumbbell or kettlebell, bend your knees as far as you can. Your thighs should be as parallel to the floor as possible. Don't be afraid of heavy weights. You will feel them very intensely. For the leg curl, the deadlift with straight legs and exercises on the machine for lying leg curls are well suited. Combine these two workouts with 4 sets of 10 to 12 repetitions each. As with the squats, you need to keep your back straight. In the leg curl machine, you should pull your toes together to achieve the best possible muscle contraction.

A strong and flat stomach

You can train your abdominal muscles with every workout. If this is a good way for you, you should do it. Start with crunches on the exercise ball. They train the upper abdomen. Take a dumbbell or a weight plate and place it on your chest. Place your shoulder blades on the ball. Now press your stomach by flexing your hips. Keep your back as flat as possible and tighten your abdominal muscles. Concentrate on only pressing with your hips. When doing crunches, keep your shoulders still on the ball. A second good exercise is sit-ups on the incline bench. Take a weight plate and hold your arms outstretched while you press and raise your upper body. For the oblique abdominal muscles, sit on the floor and bend your knees. Hold a dumbbell with your arms outstretched. Lift your feet a few centimetres off the floor and rotate your arms with the disc from left to right and vice versa. Always keep your upper body straight. The exercises for the lower abdomen are probably the most uncomfortable and difficult part of abdominal training. Leg lifts in a dip position are very intense. Alternatively, you can use arm slings attached to a pull-up bar. Lift your legs up to your chest. Hold them there for a few seconds before lowering them back to their starting position. Tighten your abdominal muscles throughout the repetition. Bring your feet so close together that your ankles are touching. Concentrate on the movement as your body tends to lean forward.

Strong shoulders

Full round shoulders make the waist look narrower. To train all the muscles in your shoulders, you should perform exercises for the front, side and back. For the front shoulder, use the military press with dumbbells. You can either do them with one arm or both arms. The standing lateral raise with dumbbells is ideal for the side shoulder. The back remains straight. For the back shoulder, you can perform standing lateral raises backwards with one arm on the cable pulley. The cable guide is positioned in the middle of the body. Bend your knees a little and keep your upper body straight. Use a bar or D-grip. It is better to choose a low weight, as the strength of the rear shoulder muscles is rather low. Now pull the rope sideways past your upper body until your elbow is behind your back. Hold it there for two seconds. Return the rope to the starting position. Do the exercise very slowly and with concentration.

The best is yet to come

Some of these tips will help you to achieve your dream figure. The point is to try new things. This is the only way to find out if they are right for you. You have to push yourself to your limits and keep challenging yourself. Don't dwell on false promises and "shoulda, coulda, shoulda". Increase your abilities and help yourself to your dream body.

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