How to get the butt and tummy of your dreams

So Bekommst Du Den Po Und Bauch Deiner Träume

For many women, a flat stomach and a shapely, round bottom are still part of their dream figure. But unfortunately, despite intensive training, many female athletes do not always achieve their sporting goals. They often lack the right information on how to do the individual exercises correctly. A nutrition plan is also not given enough consideration in many training programs. An athletic and well-toned body is always achieved through a combination of the right sports program and the right diet. However, the key to success lies in burning fat. So don't just pay attention to your intensive workouts, but also focus on your health and diet. However, intensive muscle training is of little use if you don't take care of your pesky body fat first.

Take care of your visceral fat

The key to success lies in burning fat. This mainly involves reducing the annoying visceral fat. The term visceral fat or intra-abdominal fat refers to the fat within the abdominal cavity that surrounds the individual organs and the digestive system. It serves to protect the internal organs and is visually visible through the increase in abdominal volume. Dangerous visceral fat is often the trigger for many cardiovascular diseases such as high blood pressure, heart failure or even a heart attack. Cardiovascular diseases are considered the number one cause of death in women over 35. Women have larger fat cells than men. Another difference to the male sex is the different composition of the individual enzymes in the fat cells. Women's fat cells produce more lipogenic enzymes, which are necessary for fat storage. Men, on the other hand, have more lipolytic enzymes, which are responsible for fat release.

The anti-oestrogen diet

The hormone oestrogen can also play a significant role in fat storage. Oestrogen levels are particularly influenced by lifestyle and diet. Today's food consists of many artificial ingredients that have a particular effect on oestrogen levels. It is therefore important that you take plenty of anti-oestrogen foods. We have compiled a list of anti-oestrogenic foods for you below:
- Cruciferous vegetables - for example cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower or Brussels sprouts
- Citrus fruits  
- Coffee
- Tea
- Herbs - for example passion flower, camomile and turmeric
- Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA)
- Olive oil, wheat germ oil
- Omega3 oils
- Wild salmon
- Organic dairy products
- Raw nuts and seeds
- Avocado
- Oats and barley
- Pulses
- Spices - for example turmeric, oregano, thyme, rosemary and sage
Below we have put together an anti-oestrogen daily menu:
Breakfast: 1 grapefruit and 4-6 egg whites
1 cup of coffee or tea
1 tablet of fish oil (usually contains 450-500 milligrams of EPA/DHA)
Mid-Morning Snack:
160 - 200 grams of Greek yogurt with ½ cup of blueberries or strawberries
A salad with 150 grams of salmon or tuna and a ¼ cup of unsalted nuts (almonds, soy or cashew nuts)
Afternoon snack: Whey protein shake with 200ml water or skimmed milk
1 apple
160 to 200 grams of chicken or fish
1 cup broccoli, Brussels sprouts or kale
1/4 cup black beans

The right training program

In order to reduce visceral fat, the right training program should be followed in addition to the anti-oestrogen diet. A combination of individual running training and so-called plyometric training is ideal. Plyometric training consists of explosive jumping exercises such as burpees, for example. This training method is particularly recommended for burning fat, as the fast and explosive movements immediately require a lot of energy. If the required carbohydrate stores are depleted, the energy must be drawn from the fat stores. Below we have listed some training examples consisting of running and plyometric movement sequences:
- 5 minutes of jogging, then a quick 40-meter sprint and finally a set of pop squats
- Running on the treadmill with alternating jump lunges outside the treadmill
- 5 minutes cycling (in the gym), jumping jacks, 5 burpees
- Boot camp workout consisting of several plyometric exercises in combination with various running movements.
The training program should always be adapted to the individual fitness level. Ideally, you should train for 30-60 minutes 5 days a week. Below we have put together four exercises that specifically train the abdominal muscles and buttocks:
Exercises for the bottom
1. squats on one leg:
Place your left knee on a large ball, a bench or a chair. The right leg remains straight. Now go down with your right leg and perform a squat. Then straighten your right leg again. Practice this movement 10 to 20 times and then switch legs.
2. crossover step-ups:
In the starting position, stand up straight with two dumbbells in each hand next to a flat bench. Now cross your left leg in front of your right leg and bring the crossed leg to a standing position on the platform. Then pull your right leg in and come to a standstill with both legs on the bench. Do the same movement in reverse until you have both legs on the floor again. Repeat this exercise 10 to 20 times in a row.
Exercises for the abdomen
3. flutter kicks:
For flutter kicks, lie straight with your entire body on the floor. Place your arms under your bottom. Now lift both legs about 20 centimetres into the air and start alternately raising one leg slightly and lowering the other slightly. Do these short but intense movements with each leg about 15 to 20 times in succession.
4. stability ball roll-outs:
In the starting position, kneel in front of a large training ball. Both arms are stretched out and your hands are on the ball. Now slowly roll the ball forward with your hands until your arms and upper body are stretched out on the ball. Your stomach remains tense. Now slowly roll the ball back again until you have returned to the original starting position. Again, you should roll forwards and backwards 15 to 20 times.

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